Chapter 4

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"I knew you were a fucking idiot but I didn't know you were fucking blind!!"

"Dude, i-it's n-not my fault th-that she looks e-exactly like you!"

"If she dies I swear to Satan that I will make the rest of your life a living hell"

"L-like if it isn't al-already"

My eyes slowly opened, I heard the two voices continue to argue. I would have payed more attention but my stomach and the lower part of my back hurt like crazy.

"Jeff?" I asked while looking around.
I was in a small dimly lit room. It was plain and simple but it smelled like blood and sweat.

Jeff rushed over to me, to see if I was okay. Behind him stood another man, he wore a brown jacket and orange goggles. The man seemed to be always twitching.

"What happened? Where am I?"

"What happened was that this dumbass threw a hatchet at you" Jeff said while pointing to the guy behind him.

"I-I didn't mean t-to. I thought you were Jeff" he stuttered

"Who are you?" I asked


He was an odd guy, he looked nervous. I looked around the room still trying to figure out where I was.

Jeff cut me off
"My cabin. You axe so many questions"

I rolled my eyes
"Cut it out"

Jeff began to laugh more.
I wasn't going to sit here and hear Jeff make terrible puns.
I tried to get up but I was greeted by a great amount of pain. I grabbed my stomach and bit my tongue trying to suck in the pain.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jeff asked

"What does it look like I'm doing" I spat

He pushed me back into bed then he faced Toby.

"Twitchy, go to the store and get some pain killers... HA! Pain killers" Jeff laughed

Toby facepalmed while shaking his head in disappointment.
"How the hell am I suppose to get pain killers without getting caught?!"

"I don't know. You're the fucking genius"

Toby scoffed then left.

Jeff and I were left alone in the room. It was pretty awkward until Jeff opened his mouth.

"Does Jack know you're gone?"


Jeff chuckled
"He is SO going to kill you"

I ignored his comment and I tried to relax but my stomach continued to hurt.

He groaned

"It hurts" I complained

"What do you want me to do? Kiss it?"

"I'm too ugly to kiss, remember?"

Jeff placed his hand on my tummy gently massaging it. His touch gave me confront, almost like a fatherly comfort.

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked

"No. It actually feels really good"

He continued to massage my stomach with his warm hand. His slow gentle movements began to turn rough.
I wouldn't have mind it but the pain was getting worse. It was the type of pain the made you want to scream and cry but I held it in.

"Jeff... Could you..."
I looked at Jeff but he wasn't paying attention he seemed lost in thought
I cleared my throat trying to get his attention but it didn't work.
I grabbed his hand.
"Are you okay?" I asked

Jeff snapped out of his day dream and looked at me.
"Shit" he mumbled

He got up and went to the bathroom.
I looked around in confusion.
What the hell is his problem?
He came back with a bunch of bandages. I looked at my wound and I noticed all the blood.
Jeff lifted up my shirt and began to treat my wound.
Then out of nowhere Toby burst through the door.

"I got pain killers!" He exclaimed

"It was about fucking time" Jeff spat.

Jeff threw the bottle of pills at me.
"Take these and you'll feel better."
Jeff turned towards Toby.
"I'm gonna go clean up, take care of her" he ordered
As soon as Jeff left Toby let out a sigh.

"A-asshole" he mumbled

"Why were you trying to kill Jeff?" I asked

Toby let out a low chuckle
"C-cause h-he's an asshole"

"Then why are you helping him?"

"I felt bad. I didn't want to hurt you and Jeff was threatening me" he stammered


Toby ran his fingers through his fluffy brown hair.
"W-why are you with h-him? A-are you one of his t-toys?"


"O-oh. I'm assuming you're n-not."

"No. We're just friends"

Toby began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked

"Jeff doesn't have any friends. If I were you I'd stay the hell away from him." He said while twitching

Why do I stay with Jeff? He doesn't trust me, he doesn't always have my back, and he left me when I needed him the most.

"I guess I stay with him because he understands me." I said, feeling unsure of my answer.

Toby began to laugh again.
"T-the man with the happy face understands y-you!" he continued to laugh but then stopped when he realized that I have a smile cut into my face.

We sat there in awkward silence until Jeff walked into the room with just a towel on.

"What the h-hell d-dude! You said you were going to c-clean up not take a fucking shower!"

Jeff slapped Toby in the back.
"Calm down Twitchy, it's not the end of the world"

Toby growled
"W-whatever. I'm l-leaving, b- but I'll be b-back to check on her"
As soon as Toby left Jeff let out a sigh.

"He is the second most annoying person in the world"

"Who's the first?" I asked


"Very funny." I said sarcastically
Jeff quickly ran out of the room. Then he came back with the huge teddy bear from before.

"Don't you mean BEARy funny" he said

I grabbed the teddy bear out of his hands and hugged it.
"You kept him?"

"What else was I suppose to do with it?"

I laughed
"I feel a lot better."

"Sorry to be a party killer but... HA! party killer."

I rolled my eyes.
"But what?"

"You still have to deal with LJ"


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