Chapter 十

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3rd P.O.V

Chris was brought to the clearing where they had last found their footprints on the ground. Chris dropped down a duffel bag he took from his van and kneeled over to look at it.

"You're tracking them by print?" he asked.

"We're trying too," said Scott.

"Well then you're wasting your time. There's only one creature on earth that can visually track footprints, and that's man. And, if you're not trained like me, then you have no idea that this print," he said pointing to one set. "Is Boyd's. And these," he then pointed to another set right next to it.

"Are Cora's?" Isaac slurred out.

"No," he shook his head. "They're yours," he said making Isaac look down at his feet nervously. "You trampled Cora's as soon as you walked over here. Listen," he said shifting his tone. "I know that the three of you are focusing half your energy on resisting your own urges under the full moon and trying to keep a baby Werewolf, which is one hell of a job, at bay, but that puts you at a severe disadvantage to Boyd and Cora who are fully giving in. They're putting the pedal to the floor while you three are barely hitting the speed limit."

Derek let out a frustrated breath as he folded his arms. "So, what do we do?"

"Focus on your sense of smell. Actual wolves have been known to track their prey for up to 100 miles a day by scent. A trained hunter can use scent to trap them. If the wind is with them then wolves can track a scent for up to 2 miles. We can draw them to us, and into a trap." He then tossed a rope net at Scott. "The full moon does give us one advantage, they'll have a higher heat signature. Makes them easier to spot with infrared." He then took out and started handing them infrared goggles.

Derek got tossed one but quickly threw it back. "Thanks but, I've got my own." He then flashed his red eyes out at him.

Kylie just watched curiously, to the side with her Werewolf eyes flashing.

"Just remember," Chris continued. "We're not hunting wild animals. Beneath those impulses are two intelligent human beings. Many believe they can't rely on that human side. It's suppressed but its  there. Reminding how to mask their scent, cover their tracks, how to survive." Before they started waking he looked at Kylie. "Also, it might be a good time to start listening and following the one of the only person who could actually make this a hell of a lot easier." He was looking at Kylie, her nose was in the air and she was smelling something. "A long time ago, Hunters used to steal baby Werwolves once they were born to use them until they got old enough. Once that happened, they'd kill them. Luckily, hunters have stopped doing this. Well, at least, I hope they have." He then whistled once and Kylie started running on all fours, they followed her to a high point to try and spot the heat signatures they were giving off. Chris took a moment and looked over at Derek. "When was the last time you saw your sister?" he asked out of the blue.

"Not in years," he said still looking out. "Thought she died in the fire."

Chris pushed down some of the guilt he felt towards his sister and father being behind that. "Do you feel like you have a lock on her scent?" But Derek shook his head. "Scott?" he asked turning to the beta. "How confident are you in your skills?"

"Honestly, most of the time I'm trying not to think about all the things I can smell," he said glumly.

Chris nodded. "Alright, the problem is once they breach the woods, they hit the residential area. Once they're passed the high school they're right in the middle of Beacon Hills."

"Uh," Isaac started. "They're not... going to kill everything they see, are they?"

"No," Chris answered. "One thing for sure, they won't kill Kylie if they see her, which is why we are bringing her along. But there is an important difference to recognize. Wolves hunt for food and at a certain point, they get full. Boyd and Cora are hunting for the pleasure of the kill," he said giving a look Scott's way as he repeated his earlier words. "For some primal apex predatorial satisfaction that comes from the ripping of warm bodies to bloody shreds and who knows when that need gets satiated."

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