Chapter 11

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Chapter: 11

I look right at her and she seems stunned. I frown a little, not understanding her reaction. It's not like we haven't shared a bed before. Granted, Bella was out for the count much before me most of the time, but it's still no reason to look so shocked. I curl my lip, over my bottom teeth and keep looking at her.

Her cell rings making her jump, she takes it out and her face pales.

"It's Renee again."

I nod at her. "Put her on speaker."

Bella nods and answers her cell. "Hello, Mo—"

Bella doesn't even get to complete her hello, Renee simply starts to talk in a very snobbish manner.

"I called you earlier! Where were you that you were too busy to take my call? Never mind, no matter. Phil has a special off-season game in Seattle.I just know this going to be his turning point. They're all going to see just how great he is. I need you to come to the game, too. No excuses, Isabella! Apparently, having a family is good for a baseball player of his age. Anyway, we will stay with you. All the good hotels are booked, and there is no way I'll be seen in that shabby hotel where his team is staying. You have to pick us up Monday at six in the evening at the airport. Wear something nice, so you don't embarrass me. See you then… kiss, kiss."

I look at Bella's cell; a little taken aback that not once did Renee ask Bella how she is. Apart from the hello and m-o, of mom, Bella was unable to say a word before Renee disconnected the call.

I open and close my mouth a few times really unsure of what to say, or even what to make of the call. "But you can't drive," I blurt out.

Not the first thing I would've chosen to say, but it seems to just come out.

Bella nods, her eyes sad. "I know, and I think Renee has forgotten that fact, yet again."

I sigh and pull her to me. "I'm so sorry, love." Because Bella's so close to me, I can feel her heartbeat pick up when I call her love. "I'll pick them up with you, and it's fine for them to stay here." Bella looks at me and seems to be really unsure. "I swear it'll be fine." I kiss her forehead.

"Now, are you going to share a bed with me, love?" Again I feel Bella's heartbeat race at the term of endearment, and it makes me wonder if she's ever had someone tell her they love her.

"I would like that, but I'm ... I can't … I just don't …"

I shake my head at her, stopping her stuttering. "I know you're not ready, my beautiful girl. I would just like you close to me tonight and we'll take the rest of the nights as they come, okay?" She nods her smile more natural. "Come on, let's get to bed."

I lead her to her room, kissing her forehead again as I let her go in to get changed. Iwalk back into mine and quickly change, putting on some cotton boxers. I glance at the mirror as I walk to my bedroom door, and I'm a little surprised to find a huge grin on my face. I shake my head at myself and open the door to find Bella standing there biting her lip. I scan her body, and see that she's in a tank and boy shorts. I chuckle, seeing that they have a bear on them. I look her in the eyes and grin.

"You look lovely, Beautiful, come on in." Bella walks in, and I watch as she seems to be a little shaky and nervous. I turn her to look at me. "You can say no and go back to your own bed; I promise I won't be upset with you. I'll be more upset if you do this and later I find that you didn't want to."

Bella smiles at me. "I want to. It's just, I've never ... only those times that you looked after me and I was sleeping and didn't know until I woke up ..."

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