It's my birthday I want an abortion

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Auri was now 2 months 3 weeks along her pregnancy, and she decided she couldn't take it anymore. All the frequent cravings, and terrible mood swings, she even had morning sickness, and the worst thing of all is that she would have the most painful migraines, so painful that she would sometimes even cry when they got worst.

It was the weekend, and she went over to her mother's house. It was her birthday. When she had arrived at her mother's house she was immediately invited in. the first thing that came out of her mouth was the last thing her mother expected her to say. "Mom it's my birthday, I want an abortion." "Auri why!?" "This is too much for me I am now only 18 and I am in sooo much pain. I want an abortion mom!" "No! Do you have any idea what you are carrying in your stomach; you are carrying a human life in your stomach. If you have an abortion you are just being selfish!" "How in the world am I being selfish?" "Look at it from this point of view. Your birthday is today and if you have an abortion that child wont ever see the world or even have a birthday. ATALL!" " Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize." "It's okay sweetie just go back to your dorm/ finish your last two months of school, graduate, plan your baby shower and take care of yourself and my grandchild." " Okay mom." " One more thing HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" " Awww thanks mommy." " Your welcome bah bye" "Bye mom." Auri didn't bother to tell Andrew what she was thinking about doing.

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