Stage 4: Another

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Mr. Benson was kneeling, a long, thick piece of cloth tied around his mouth.

"Now, Mr. Benson, you thought you could just run your mouth,try to get yourself out of this, couldn't you?"

Skull kicked him the stomach. Mr.Benson's muffled scream and sobbing echoed around Todd's room. 

Skulls tone of voice changed from calm to screaming,

"No one escapes from Skull," He yelled"No one!" 

Skull stared at Mr. Benson on the floor for a few seconds, then looked at the webcam. He marched towards it and pointed at it.

"If any of you! Skull screamed, "Tries to help this man!"

He moved aside to show Mr. Benson, bruised up and beaten on the ground.

"This will be you,"

The video ended and Todd closed his laptop.

The next day came and everyone was calm and back to the daily grind. The school went back to normal. Todd, on the other hand, was not back to normal. He just saw his favorite teacher get beat up by Skull, the man Todd idolized.  The bell rang, Todd didn't know where Naomi was because he didn't walk with her that day. It didn't matter because he was about to be late to his dreaded class, Mr. Benson's literature class. He walked into the classroom to find to find a substitute teacher sitting in his desk.

"So I will be your substitute teacher for today because it seems that Mr. Benson has caught the common cold, hope he feels better," He said.

The class went as normal. They read a new chapter, got a quiz and class was about to end. Naomi didn't show up in class. 

"So, your homework is going to be-" The substitute said before being cut of by the P.A crackling.

"Excuse the interruption but I have an impromptu PSA  for everyone. " The man said,

That was the principal, Mr. Markenson.

"ANYONE, affiliated with this, "Stampede gang" will result in an immediate expulsion."

Todd's heart fell to his stomach.

"Here at Thompson High School, we do not-"  He said before the P.A cut off.

There was a moment of silence. The substitute continued to what he was saying,

"So, anyways, your homework will be page 506-508 and do numbers 1 throug-"

The P.A came back on,

"Hi there Thompson High School," A familiar voice said,

"Skull Anonymous here," Skull said, "To say, the affiliation of The Stampede does not result to immediate expulsion, thanks to yours truly, Skull. "

"Now about the principal over yours. Well, he's gonna go on a cruise ship to the Bahamas! Doesn't that sound nice, Markenson?"

Distant muffled moans are heard through the P.A,

"If he was here to respond he would of rejoiced 'Yes!', but sadly he's off home packing.Well, sayonara, Mr. Markenson!"

The P.A turned off.

"They took down another one," Todd thought to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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