Riders on the storm

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Elena's POV:
Liam and I were in the hospital and noticed something extremely weird. We went to go look for Scott.
"We saw something" Liam tells Scott as soon as we find them.
We go back to the hospital and see train tracks in the halls and we turn around to see Douglas and Parrish there
"You know I'm really tired of fighting all these bad guys" I admit
"Parrish don't do this" Scott says Turing around to face Parrish but Parrish just growled at us.
I turn around and I couldn't believe my eyes, Stiles there with a bat and he swung it at Douglas
"Bad guy, right?" Stiles says and my heart skips a beat at the sound of his voices
"Stiles?" I say not believing it so I ran up to him and hug him tight
"Ahh don't brake me, remember? I'm human" stiles says
"I'm sorry I just can't believe you're here" I say with tears running down my face. He then hugs Scott and Liam but while he hugs Liam, Liam speaks up
"Hey Stiles, its good to see you but turn around"
We turn around to see Parrish running towards us
"Run!!" Stiles says.
Parrish catches and Stiles grabs a nitrogen extinguisher
"Hold him" Stiles orders the two boys, they do as they're told and Stiles blows the extinguisher at him. Liam starts screaming like a little girl
"Liam? You okay?" I ask him
"That did not feel good" Liam says
We walk out and head towards the school, Liam tells us how Corey can be the key to this.
"I'm going into the hunt to look for him" Liam says
"Liam, we're trying to get people out of there not in" Stiles says sarcastically and I laugh
"I missed you so much" I admit after his comment
"With you being here makes me realize how similar you and Elena are" Scott says
"I got to go" Liam says running back to the school
"Aren't you going with him?" Stiles asked
"I don't think I could leave your side again" I tell Stiles
Liam's POV:
I run back to the school and spot a horse. I tried to look for the ghost rider but I'm suddenly being choked by one. I try to find him off but someone helped me and the ghost rider let me go and then I see Theo
"You made it out!" I tell him excitedly knowing Elena will be happy
"Barley, where's Elena?" he says while holding back the ghost rider
"With Stiles but I got to get the horse to go into the hunt" I say
"Are you kidding me ? I went through all this to keep you alive" he says
"You're not sure you did all this for Elena" I tease him and he chuckled
"Go!!" He yells at me
Elena's POV:
We walk into the woods and see Douglas
"That was easy" Stiles says
"Things are never easy" Scott says
"Well now they are" Stiles says and walks out towards Douglas but gets whipped and disappeared, next thing you know I'm in the girl's locker room so I run out to the hallway and meet up with Scott and Stiles
"What the hell ?!?!" I say once we're back together and then it happened again.
"I'm really tired of this" I say to myself as I look for somebody I know
"You're not my mother" I hear Stiles say down the next hall, I run over there and she Stiles getting choked by a monster that looks like my aunt.
"Leave him alone" I growl at her and next thing you know my uncle shoots her
*** fast forward time***
Liam, Mason and I are saying our goodbyes to Scott and Stiles
"Liam since you're the alpha now" Stiles starts off but is cut off by Liam
"I would have to kill an Alpha to become one" Liam says
"Alpha in training" Stiles says trying to continue
"Just know these two will always be there for you" Stiles says pointing at Mason and I
"Here you'll need this" Stiles says handing Mason is bat
"I don't play baseball" Mason says, I laugh and nudged him so he could take it and he did.
"I'll miss you two" I say hugging Stiles and Scott hard
"Hey! Hey! Did you forget I'm human?" Stiles says rubbing his arm
"Sorry pal, well I'm off to meet my boyfriend, I'll call you guys everyday !!" I say about to walk away
"Boyfriend??" Stiles and Scott asked confused at the sometime
"Yeah, Theo." I say plainly.
Stiles scrambles around the trunk of the Jeep
"The one time I need my bat" Stiles sighs
"You have nothing to worry about. Bye!" I said running off to meet Theo.
"Ready?" Theo asked me as I walk up to him
"Yeah" I say as he grabs my hand and walks to his car
"Pizza?" He asked referring to the date we planned on having today
"Perfect" I say as he drove off

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