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You were in the kitchen, dicing the garlics into fine pieces while your Grandmother was humming to herself, stirring the pot. Arthur was in the guest room, changing his outfit to a more suitable clothes.

"So..." You drawled out, staring a small conversation with her. "You know what's going on?" You couldn't help to but eyed her. "Or you acting like you don't."

The sky changed from its cheery blue self to its low key orange mood.

Your Grandmother silenced you with a stern look before easing your heart with a smile. "I'll explain when your Grandfather came back."

"Yes, ma'am."

• • ✿ • •

The atmosphere was unbearable when Arthur was sitting next to you. Its like how the end of the barrel of a gun was aiming at the back of your head or being strap to an electric chair. Anyways, you get the picture.

The only thing the table could discuss was how the food was delicious and the world, on Arthur's perspective, was weird and interesting at the same time. Small chats tried to make it more fun but you're silent demeanour had ruin the taste of the food.

You stood up from your seat. "I'm done." And walked to your room.

"No, you are not." Your Grandmother was drinking her mug and she slammed the mug down. "I will tell you when you're done."

"Is this about her family history?" Grandfather was the type of person not to close his mouth when he was chewing his food.

"Shush, the grownup are speaking." Grandmother cover his mouth by closing it shut. Grandfather took a big gulp and quietly chew his food.

"Tell me, Grandma. I need to know why mom keep the book away." Family secrets are the number one thing you hate. From cousins and siblings are fine but from parents and grandparents are on a different scale.

"You read it?" You shake your head to reply.

"I couldn't read. It was all gibberish and has a lot of symbols." You took the book out and put it on the table. The cover was torn but the wording was not quite there, some had faded. Thanks to this thing called dust.

"That's alright, none of us could decipher it." Grandmother tidy up the plates. "Believe, I tried. Anywho, shall we begin our tales of secrecy?"

Arthur had finished his plate and were fiddling his thumbs. A habit of when he was nervous.

Grandmother took her cue to speak up. "I was the Queen of Britannia, before your mother was born. Our title was a secret to the entire world and the White Knights was the loyal Knights that anyone could ask for. White Knights are in charge to be around the Royal family and Military and their opposites, the Black Knights are in charge to keep the safety of the people. Isn't that right, Arthur?"

"Yes, what you said is true." Arthur simply agreed to what Grandmother had said. "Both Knights have a common goal: to protect and to serve."

"(Name), when your parents passed away. It wasn't an accident, it was a plan assassination from one of our sworn enemy. If you're thinking about the French, that's different. Our enemy had an eye for the throne. They would kill anyone who has the Royal status. I was glad that you left unscathed and your parents had taught you a few things." She continued, she was getting to her point.

"As for the family history, every firstborn were always girls. There were no such thing as boys as the eldest, its our family curse or a gift. In ancient times, our family was known throughout the land. We were quite the popular crowd until it all change when they show up. Villagers were slaughtered, our lands were taken away from our hands and they executed the Royal family, except for a little girl. She had made her way out from it all. When they leave, she was the only Royalty left and to protect herself, she changed her name and learn how to survive."

"But of course, this hasn't happened in your time." Grandmother gave Arthur a soft look. "What stays in the timeline, stays. You can't alter it, even if you did. Consequences will fall down upon you."

Grandfather joined the conversation bandwagon. "I was a Black Knight. Doing my best, didn't mean to venture far out into the forest. I learn about the Royal family from my old man but at the same time, World War 2 happen. Everything was chaos."

He sighed, staring into the contents of his mug. He remembered the horrors of war. It still burns inside his mind.

"Then, what am I?" You said, voice filled with doubt. "Not a normal girl anymore, huh?"

Your Grandmother reached out and held your hand. She gave it a light squeeze. "I'm afraid not but don't worry, we will face it. As a family."

"Face what?"

Arthur answered. "The Knights Templar, your highness. They've been terrorising for a long time because they were displeased on having a lady to be a Queen."

"Yeah, not the brightest bunch but when they punch, oh boy. It packs a lot." Your Grandfather said.

Another thought crossed your mind. "What about my uni life? I can't have him-" Jabbing your thumb at Arthur. "-to follow me wherever I go. I prefer to make the distance to be at an arm's length."

"I already solved it." Grandmother flashed you another smile. "He will be at the university's library as an librarian."

"Thank you." She gave Arthur the same smile.

"Now, since that's over. Everyone is excused." You wanted to stand up but since she was holding your hand. You can't escape from her iron grip. The boys excused themselves from the dining table.

"Be careful of the Bonnefoys. They will make any woman to fall for them and if I were you, you better stay close to Arthur." She whispered, her smile left her face. What replaced them was a stern look.

"Grandma!" You exclaimed, keeping your voice into a whisper. She let out a small giggle. You felt your face heating up.

She let out a fake gasp. "Don't tell me you fancy him!"

You scrunched your face to her. "No, I don't."

No, you definitely don't fancy him. He was from a different era and you are in the modern era. He might return to his own time after he finished his duty.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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Serving my Queen : Knight!England x Modern!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now