Dear Mark

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Hi, my name is Maddie. I wrote this letter to thank you, not just for creating amazing and funny content but, for saving my life. When I found you I was going through rough times in both my family life and my school life. People played with my emotions and one boy even started hitting me in the hallways. Multiple times I almost took my life, but I didn't. You and Sean showed me that someone really did care, even if you don't know me. You made me smile and laugh for the first time in ages. Because of you I now have the strength to smile even when people are mean to me. I have the strength to stand up for myself. So thank you Mark. Even if everyone turns on you I owe you everything and I will gladly stay by your side. When I say this I speak for everyone in this community: WE LOVE YOU MARKIMOO ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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