School (69-88)

261 6 538

69.) What are your grades like?:

70.) Do you wish you could change your performance in school?:

71.) Are you failing anything?:

72.) Do you take a language?:

73.) If so which language?:

74.) Who is your favorite teacher?:

75.) Do you decorate your locker?:

76.) Do you decorate your backpack?:

77.) If so, with what?:

78.) Do you draw on yourself in school?:

79.) Do you doodle all over your notebooks?:

80.) Do you take art?:

81.) Do you walk to school or are you driven?:

82.) Do you like school?:

83.) How big is your school?:

84.) Do a lot of your friends go to your school?:

85.) Do you wish you could change schools?:

86.) Are you on the Honor/Merit roll?:

87.) Do you participate in school plays?:

88.) Are you in any clubs/which ones?:

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