"Your Fault."

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"Shun-san, it's your fault," said Aoi and Yoru. The white haired male stared at the two boys before he narrowed his gaze. "If you didn't come during our break, then Arata and You might still be here," the Prince said. "If you didn't drag us all here, they might still be alive," Yoru added. The whole room fell silent; no one knew what to do.

"I did this so you boys could have some experience. You two don't seem like you're grateful that I went through all this trouble to—"

The sound of katanas being unsheathed stopped him; both Aoi and Yoru had attempted to attack him, but were stopped by both Haru and Kai.

"Using both Hajime and my katanas; you two are full of hatred, aren't you?" Shun was calm when he said this, which only fueled the  middle group's anger. They pushed their own seniors away and charged at the Procellarum leader who didn't bother to move away. Instead, he had stepped forward, knocking the two out with a quick strike at the back of their necks.

"Shun/Shun-san!" The junior group immediately went to the said male before kneeling down at the unconscious duo. "It's fine, they just fainted," Shun reassured.

"Hey, Shun— You're bleeding!" Kai gasped before taking out a small handkerchief to wipe away the red liquid that gushed out of the white haired male's left cheek— only to have his hand slapped away. "I'll just use my magic. Get these two to their rooms. I'll be in mine." With that, the albino left; Hajime stared at the retreating figure, eyes narrowing as he disappeared between the doors.

Shun, on the other hand, gasped as soon as the doors to his room closed; his whole body froze as something — or someone, — had bit his neck; enough to draw blood.

"Diablo— Stop—" The male tried to resist,  but the demon only bit down harder, bringing the other to his knees. When he was finished, he watched as Shun fell onto his futon, breathing heavily as he tried to get as much oxygen as his lungs needed. Said demon brought a claw over the other's chin; Shun resisting a shudder that ran down his spine.

"I got hungry." Diablo stated. He was unaffected by the other's death glare — instead turning himself into a bat and flying over to lick away the fresh blood that was on the leader's cheek.

"Your wish to help your juniors is fulfilled. Everyone will return back to the normal world in two hours." He flew to the side of the futon, shifting back to his demon form.

"They hate you."

"I know."

"You did this for their sake."

"That's right."

"Was it because all of them couldn't get their roles right and you wanted them to experience it first hand?"


"Shun," the demon sighed in exasperation, "you're unbelievable."

The latter grinned. "I get that a lot."

Diablo turned the lights off before placing his clawed hand on the soft white strands, watching as the wound healed themselves. "Rest," he said, "they won't hate you when you return. However," he began to growl, "that won't stop you from hating yourself."

At this, the White Demon Lord turned around. "It wasn't your fault, Shun. You had good intentions."

"That doesn't change the fact that they see me as a bad guy."

"You'll feel better when you've had enough rest. Sleep for now, my King. All this is nothing more than a mere nightmare, after all."

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