Ch. 12- The Beginning is only Starting

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I followed Freshy inside, into a HUGE building. Inside were... So many Sanses... All of them looked somewhat like me... I couldn't believe what I was looking at...  As I stared slack jawed, I felt myself being dragged by Freshy Sans. I looked around, seeing various "me"s doing jobs and such... All together. Passing by a few, a skeleton cloaked in black gave me a wave... He looked pretty sad... Another monster, not a skeleton but a human... They looked exactly like Frisk... I assumed it was the real, original one. They seemed to be talking to someone, a person in a dark green hoodie. I smiled at them from under my hood, hoping I didn't look creepy. The Frisk waved and the girl in the green gave a small nod to me, smiling a bit. Walking up the steps, I found even MORE me! Or am I them? I guess i'll never know... But I had no time to think, when another skeleton snuck up behind me and yelled a loud "HEY THERE!".

 I jumped, startled by the loud voice behind me. Turning around, I was face to face with a strange skeleton that didn't look like the others. They had paint all over their face, and I could see their eyes were slightly part. Close beside them was a skeleton- at least I think it was a skeleton- that was completely glitched out. I could see him grinning at me, almost killer-like. I backed up in alarm, and followed Freshy again. She suddenly stopped as I knocked into her. I grumbled and tried to move past, but stopped short. Walking past me was what was... A giant knife? And beside that knife was a young boy, he almost looked ghost like. I stared in amazement at the giant knife, but shook my head. The knife turned around, revealing the person who was carrying it. I didn't know how to describe him... He was interesting, that's for sure... I stared for who knows how long. I just... Couldn't explain him in words. Or his ghost-like partner. I was so lost in thought, I had no idea Freshy was yelling at me. Snapping out of my trance I finally heard her.  

"LEGEND!" she shouted, growling. "What are you looking at?!" I didn't know what to say. Only because I didn't know WHO I was looking at. I timidly looked at her and pointed at the stranger. "U-Um..." I said, stumbling out words. "W-Who... Is that?" 

Freshy stopped and then, letting out a small laugh, she whispered "That's Cross". Cross... I let the name sink in... That does seem like a good name for this stranger. Cross Sans... I nodded to myself. Freshy shook her head and rolled her eyes. I asked why she did that... She never told me. I looked back at the stra- Cross... And thought to myself "We're gonna be friends... I know it." And I wasn't wrong... It just didn't happen the way I thought it would. I felt a gentle shove behind me, pushing me towards Cross Sans. I stopped short, looking him over cautiously. He didn't seem to notice me, so I gradually worked up my courage. Clearing my throat, I tried to introduce myself. 

"U-Um... Excuse me... Um..." He turned around, looking at me. I freezed and tried to speak but fumbled. Never was great with introductions. He gave a friendly nod with a straight face. "Hey" 

I don't know why but I was so... Interested in talking to him that I completely forgot about my social fears. I put my right hand out and gave my best half smile I could. He looked me over and slowly took my hand. I shook his hand and let go quickly. "U-Um" I fumbled, "I-I'm Legend..." and to my surprise, he gave a small smile. "Cross." 

The smaller, ghost-like boy finally popped out from behind him, nibbling a chocolate bar. He looked up at Cross Sans, grumbling muffledly "You gonna introduce me or what?" The Sans gave a small chuckle and patted his head. "Yes Chara, I will." The smol boy smiled and walked beside the Sans. Cross Sans looked back at me. "Legend... Sans? This is Cross Chara." 

The Cross Chara smiled and waves at me excitedly. I waved back happily. "Why hello there Cross Chara!" 

Freshy was making a soft, strange squeal noise behind me. I don't know what I've got myself into but... All I know is this place is gonna be one heck of a ride. 

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