Storms That Grow

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     We were the last three people to wade towards the shallower parts of the flooded road. I followed behind my brother because I carried his bag and mine. In front of us, a little father from where I stood, I heard the people who called and told him to hurry. I could not imagine being in the shoes of my brother. He was strong and brave but his heart... it was the purest of hearts! (Very much like an abnegation if you ask me.) And little Peter, our smaller brother, who carried a bag of his own held on to him and did not let go. It seemed that time froze in front of me because I forgot what situation we were in. The storm was a dancing witch who laughed at us with her horrible thunders. Terrified clouds cried and flooded the lands, killing everyone who did not have the chance to escape. 

     Minutes later, we reached the shallower parts. Alex, Peter, and I were safe. As I looked back to the flooded village, I remembered just how, a few minutes ago, we were battling with the storm that almost led us to our graves and planned to bury us alive. And even when we were reached the shores safely, I still did not feel fine. I stared at Alex's eyes. They seemed to speak of what I was thinking as well. Although we were alive, we would have never known when death would visit. How would we live in the streets?- Without food? Without money? Without a home?

     After that, there came an announcement from the mayor: "Evacuation centers will be assigned in a short while. Food and medicine will be brought." Suddenly, a crowd of people approached the front area and formed a line. In an instant, I knew they were already lining up for the food supplies so I joined in as well. Lining up for food was a disaster. Many people struggled to be first in line and ended up fighting each other. I decided to stay in my place in the line. At least, in doing this, I would be able to make sure I recieved food rather than trouble.

     Hours later, people who sat in the line started standing up, so I stood up as well. After so, a huge truck piled with sacks and plastic bags drove towards us. I estimated I was a hundred sixty from the front and although chances were small, I wished I would still reach the cut-off.

     Realizing after a few more hours that I was the fifth person to receive the bag of supplies, I prepared and stood up. However, a relief officer suddenly shouted, "Out of stock! We'll come back tommorow!" And he and his volunteers went back to their trucks. Consequently, the line behind me reassembled and transformed into a great mob of furious men. I was carried away by them; my breath faded fast. My vision then began to dim. I could barely breathe! Then my eyes... they called me.. to.. sleep...

     The next thing I knew after I fell unconcious to the ground was that the next batch of relief goods had not yet come. The flood was still high up, and whenever I saw that I remembered what happened yesterday. I turned my back to drive the thought away.

     "I will not be long," Alex  told me when I reached our small corner of the area where we temporarily stayed in. That meant I would be the one to look after Peter and he would be the one to find food and medicine. When I touched Peter's forehead, I realized he had fever. Alex will find medicine. He would.

     Eventually, we came to the point where we were assigned our evacuation centers. Alex, unfortunately, was not able to find the medicine for Peter and my little brother's condition worsened to malaria. What's worse was that after a few days of staying in the evacuation center, Alex had fever too. I was the only one to be depended on then. I felt that heavy responsibility Alex must have carried on his shoulders when we were still young because we had no parents to take care for us. And only Alex knows how we got separated from them. But I had never had the guts to ask him how that happened. Though he is my brother, I had found to respect him like my father, since I had never had experienced to have one except maybe, him.

     I couldn't help but cry when I felt weak and dull myself. What was I supposed to do? 

I closed my eyes. I remembered that day... the day the flood wiped away our hopeful future... The day when we swam the roaring waters and Alex was still strong, Peter still full of life. But at that time, we were also just as close to death. The difference was that back then, we were stronger and more able. Would it have been better that we died during the flood than die this way? I did not know. All I just wanted was that we could get out of that horrible terror of life and live a new one. Perhaps because of exhaustion, I and my brothers fell asleep afterwards.

     "Andrea!" I heard my brothers call for me the next morning. When I opened my eyes, I could see them standing just a few feet away.

     "Andrea!" they called me once again and their voices sounded glad and enlightened. I could see the two of them, holding each other's hands.

     "Andrea!" they called me once more. Their voices were calm---pacified by The Grace that filled lost souls with a peace they never felt, and never had on Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2014 ⏰

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