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3rd P.OV:






That's all they feel, see, and feel. For years they've been like this. Since they where kids, runaways at that, they where promised a better life. A life of love and easy money. But oh. How wrong they where to believe them.

Zane, Garroth, and Vlyad feel like there is no hope felt. They're controlled. They are nothing more then sex objects for late night horny men.

They're whores, prostitutes, sluts. They know. Their pimps tell them everyday. Counting the money that that they made using their own bodies. Making hundreds every night. And they only get enough to bearly survive.

They are forced to live and sleep in small apartments with other unfortunate souls. All day, other then the rare occasion where they can walk outside to buy items, they are forced to stay in their cramped spaces. But most try to sleep as much as they can, for at night, they work.

Each of them have a diffrent pimp.

Zanes pimp is named Travis. But Traivs have Zane the streetname, "Nyx."

Garroth has Laurance. The streetname he gave Garroth is "Midas".

Dante has given Vlyad the name, "Hermes."

Named after Gods, Goddess, and Kings.

They held names of power but had none themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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