Hi Guys hope People are reading this I will update. Some of theses are mine but a lot are just one i have read. Thanks vote and comment! ( If you get the answers right and answer it first i will dedicate the next riddle to you)
1. What runs has a bed but it never sleeps?
2. What is heavy in the front but not backwards?
3. What has 4 legs but cant walk? ( mine it is really bad)
4. What is black and white but read all over? ( made this one up)
5. What word do you brake when you say it?
6. If you are stuck in a room and all you have is a baseball and a bat. How do you get out?
7. if a blue house is blue and a red house is red what color is a green house?
8. Two people are at a bar they both order the same drink with the same amount of ice. the first person chugs their drink while the second person lets the ice melt. The second person died from poison in the ice. Why didn't the first one?
9.what kind of tree can you hold in your hand?
10. what kind of car can you spell forward and backward and drive it forward and backward? (mine it sucks)