Chapter 1:A Good Day

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It was 8 in the morning, and Liu was up before Jeff as usual and he was gonna wake Jeff up by pranking him up. (Meanwhile in the kitchen) Mom and Dad where in the kitchen, mom was cooking and Dad was reading the paper. (Mom)-Hunny what do you think about the house we were looking at last month. (Dad)-I think the neighborhood seems nice, and quiet. (Mom)-Do u think the boys will like it? (Dad)-I think they will like it and they will meet new people, make new friends, we could get a dog. (Mom)-We will talk about the dog. (Back up stairs where Liu was about to prank Jeff to wake him up) *Liu smacks Jeff in the face with shaving cream* (Jeff)-*Screams* WHY DID U DO THAT U DUMMY!!!! (Liu)-*Chuckles* I'm sorry Bro you know I love u, so... Good Morning lil Bro. *Jeff and Liu went downstairs to eat breakfast and then went to get showers* (Jeff)-Liu my birthday is soon and Mom and Dad are planning on moving. (Liu)-Jeff how do you know this? *Jeff was quiet the rest of the morning* *Back in the kitchen later that day* (Mom)-Jeff, Liu dinner is done, come eat. (Liu)-*walks into kitchen* Hi mom, what's for dinner? (Mom)-I made homemade tacos and beans. (Jeff)-*walks in * Hi mom.... I SMELL TACOS! (Mom)-That's right Jeff, Homemade Tacos. (Liu)-And beans. (Dad)- Yes Liu don't forget about those beans. *Everyone laughs* (Liu)- Jeff your birthday is tomorrow. (Jeff) Yea I know but I'm just gonna stay inside my room. *Everyone Goes To Sleep*

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