Meet us

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Hello everyone, and thank you for joining me on this journey of writing. This book is based off of real life experiences, though I'm obviously not Perrie Edwards and I'm not engaged to Jade Thirlwall. I figured before I started writing this, I'd introduce you to myself and tell you a little about my current life.
My name is Kaylee Humphrey (soon to be Waters💍), and I'm originally from San Francisco, California. I lived there for my entire life, up until around 2 years ago when my fiancé and I decided to start our own adventure. My Godmother passed away when I was 18, and she left me her summer home in Rethymno, Greece. I was free to do whatever I wished with it, so shortly after my 19th birthday, my fiancé, our children, (I know what you're thinking, but this will be explained in the story) and myself packed what we could and started new lives there. We love it here, and plan to reside here for quite some time. My fiancé is Camden Waters, though she prefers to be called Cam or Cammie. She's 23, she's really short, and she's absolutely perfect. We're getting married very very soon, on August 9th, 2017. And we are expecting our third child, baby bean is due on March 13, 2018. We have two year old twins, one of each gender. You will hear so much more about them in this story. They are absolutely hilarious and beautiful, and they fill our hearts with so much pride. We are also rescue moms. We currently have 4 dogs called Zoe, Maverick, Kennedy, and Elsa. As well as 4 cats, (Loki, Bella, Thor, and Jude) 2 bearded dragons, (Elliot and Felicity) a parrot called Fargo, and a fish called Harrison. Yes, that's 12 animals. Yes, they are all very spoiled and well taken care of.

I hope I've given you guys a peek into what my life is like today, and now we should take it waaayyyyy back to when I was about 15 and tell the story of how I got here.

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