Planned Meeting

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//Art is mine!!//

I sighed as I checked through my phone, waiting for mom to get home from the grocery store. I was 19 and lived with my mom. Well- that sounds bad- but without context of course it does. My dad left when I was eleven, and then my siblings left to live their lives and start families. It's a shame though, I had yet to find anyone perfect, and decided to take care of my mom at home. The reason she was alone at the grocery store, was because she said she could do it herself. And she was very stubborn about it.

Nothing interesting was happening on YouTube, so I decided to watch cable. I picked up the remote and started to surf the channels of my TV, waiting for something interesting to come up. Since nothing was on, I decided to just watch the news.

Some woman by the name of.. Katrina Powell was talking in a speedy voice, going on about some local killer- wait, local killer?? I listened more closely to learn that they were indeed male, and went by the name 'Pyrocynical'. That can't be his real name. Presumably, there was a picture of him on the right side of the screen, jumping out of a window, a bloodied serrated knife in his hand. His side was to the camera, so the only thing I could see was a white with a gold accented mask that reflected the moonlight under a rather.. flashy hoodie. To be quite honest, his whole outfit was flashy and messily put together. Black skinny jeans and.. Timbs?? What a joke.

I sighed and switched off the TV, a bit weary now. I looked around me and tried to think of something to do. I checked my phone, to see the time. '8:27'. Mom should be home at the hour.

As soon as I put my phone down I heard a knock at the door. In fact, it was mom's signature knock at the door. I smiled at the remembrance of us having a secret knock-code so that I knew that it's her, and she knows that it's me. But this time it was a bit rougher and louder. She must be carrying something heavy and was urgent! She had gone to the grocery store, after all.

I sprung up from the couch and sprinted over to the door, a smile on my face. You unlocked the door, and shoved it open, believing it would be mom. My smile fell into a horrified frown as I saw a figure that was indeed, not my mom.

White and gold accented mask..
A retro blue and pink hoodie..
Black skinny jeans..

Oh shit.

I immediately tried to slam the door shut, but failing as he put his foot in-between the doorway and the door itself. 'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit' I thought in panic, attempting to push his foot out of the way with mine. It was a rather stupid idea and desperate attempt. He was wearing boots and I wasn't exactly wearing anything on my feet at all.

I yelped as the door was shoved open, pushing me out of the way, causing me to slip and land on my butt. That's gonna leave a bruise.

He stared me down with cold and emotionless green eyes. He closed the door with his foot, it slammed shut. He walked towards me with a stance of strength, and every step caused me to shuffle a bit backward. I attempted to scream out for help, but he predicted my intentions and hastily crouched down to my level and covered my mouth, clamping his hand down to refrain me from making a sound. My eyes widened in panic as he slowly removed a.. rainbow serrated knife??? Fuck the fact that he's about to murder me, he had a fucking CS:GO knife as his murder weapon! Was this some sort of joke?! 

My mind was brought back to reality as he aimed the knife at my throat. I tried to yell as loud as I could through my lips, clawing at the hand that covered my mouth in a strong grip. He froze as he heard a car pull into the driveway.

He quickly shot up, his hand still clamped over my mouth. He had his knife back in his pocket, picking me up and throwing me onto the couch.

I gasped and felt around my mouth, he was clamping down pretty hard, bruises will definitely form. "Du-!!" Before I could finish what I was about to say, he walked over to me in long, fast strides- successfully intimidating me and making me shut up. I gasped loudly as he picked me up again and sat behind me, setting me down onto his lap. I heard him take his mask off, and then felt puffs of hot breath trail down my neck. "Dude?! What the fuck are you doing-" He covered my mouth and said in a surprisingly deep, cold British accent, 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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