important announcement from Jo Lopes

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Hey its me Brit again -smiles- and I have an important announcement coming from the one and only Jo Lopes let's takes look at that.

-plays tape-

-sighs- Alright so let the records be cleared that I, Jocelyn 'Jo Love' Lopes, am here to tell my truth. No one else's. Because for every side of every rumor there's three sides. The truth, the lie, and the unknown. I happen to be the unknown in most rumors because I choose not to voice my side. First thing's first, yes I am Lisa Lopes' sister. But I am not her clone. I am not her. For every myth and rumor that I've spent my entire career trying to be Lisa. I have not. Lisa is the left to my right. No one understands me like she has all these years. And for that I am grateful. We may have our ups and downs but siblings do that. Lisa has seen me at my best and at my worst. She's given me tough love when I've done things in which I knew better of. She's given me a shoulder, pillow, chest, and all to cry on when I've gone through things in which I could not deal. Hell Lisa has given me a roof over my head when I had no where else to go. -laughs-I'm not ashamed to say that as the little sister I've done things to disappoint her, even hurt her. But we're sisters. At some point in our relationship we're going to be disappointed in one other, hurt by one another. Its just that this very bond that we have keeps us grounded. We will yell, fight, cry, laugh, hug, prank, make up, even go days at a time where we just don't talk. -smiles- But I love my lefty with my all. And I'll never ask for another sister.

Second thing. -sighs- I don't appreciate the few reporters that take a celeb's life and trashes it like they know what's going on. To address why Armani and I divorced. Simply put we could not get passed a miscarriage. Its not that we didn't share love. And its not that he was unfaithful. In fact he and I were loyal to a t. Like we were as friends growing up in Philly. God saw fit for us to lose the twins, and we weren't meant for a life time. He and I are still the best of friends and my oldest two are still very close with their father. And yes I said their father. He raised them both. Adrienne may not be his but he was there for her through all fifteen years and still is. As for Pac there is no more to it than a mistake made out of young age, alcohol, and drugs. I was young, a drop out, drinking heavily, smoking marijuana, and taking ecstasy. For whatever reason I overdosed and ended up with Adrienne being his child. I've apologized and that's all there is to that. I never dated the man. So that rumor was false.

Finally my wedding. -smiles looking at ring- For every reporter that has said I'm not going to go through with this because I hadn't released a date, or been seen out at my charity events, perfomances, or interviews, -straight face- shut up. Dezion and I have set the date for April 26th. Yes I'm well aware that is my sister Tionne's birthday. Its also my two soon to be three year old son's birthday as well. We chose the day because they're both very close to my heart for more reasons than one. Tristian, Tionne, and I share sickle cell anemia. Tionne and I have been friends since Lisa introduced us upon my arrival to Atlanta. She's like a big sister to me. When she's down I'm there for her. When I'm down she's here for me. And when there's some ass to kick we're down together. -laughs- But most importantly she gave me the best niece in the world. I love my Chaser and I love my big baby. I have a surprise for Tee after the wedding too. Its not just about me and Dez. Its not just about my son. Its about her and hopefully she'll love it. Now I promised myself I'd let my fans, colleagues, and business partners know this. I will be returning to Lopes Nova as a producer and song writer after my honeymoon. As for my contract with LaFace I will be returning as an artist. I know there were rumors that I wouldn't return to music after the Kick Back tour leg two is complete but I am. This is my life and my dream. I'm living it and I'm happy. -holds stomach- I want to make sure this bundle of joy comes in the world well off and happy just like my other three did. I can't wait for the next eight months to pass. Ohh and I will by hyphenating my name. -smirks- Just call me Jo Lopes-Bargman after April 26th. And look out for Dez and I to be at my next charity event in Philly.

-tape ends-

Jo Lopes everyone -smiles, crowed claps-

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