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Misha's POV:

Misha Collins sat in his hotel room, bored without any company. Jared was out with Jensen downstairs at the comic-con doing a "The Winchester Brothers" talk back so that meant Misha had to stay upstairs. Everyone seemed to be downstairs taking pictures and laughing, leaving Misha alone. He didn't know what to do, so he decided to turn on the tv. He flipped through the channels until he recognised a familiar face. Jensen's.

The Days of Our Lives was playing. Ironic, Misha thought. He picked up his phone, took a picture of young Jensen prancing about the screen dramatically, and tweeted it under the caption "When bored, watch your friend on tv." Misha posted it and sadly smiled. There was something that made him feel sad about calling Jensen a 'friend.'

There was a soft knock at the door. "Yeah?" Misha looked up from his phone. He got up and opened the door to peek out and saw Jensen standing there. "Oh, hey Jensen!" Misha smiled broadly, opening the door to let Jensen in. "The meet up is done?" Misha asked sitting down, inviting Jensen to sit down next to him.

"Yeah," Jensen nodded.

"You OK?" Misha blink worriedly.

Jensen scratched his head slowly, "I'm just tired, I guess."

"Yeah, meeting fans is hard. But fun. On the plus side you get to hang out with your friends," the word 'friend' again was like a bullet in Misha's side. Jensen nodded solemnly. Misha put his hand on Jensen's shoulder, "Jenny, what's the matter? Seriously, you seemed really bummed out." Jensen pulled away slightly, causing Misha's smile to fade.

Jensen looked up into Misha's eyes, "I'm just really, really tired of all this."

"Tired of what? Talk to me," Misha put his hand back on Jensen's shoulder. He wouldn't let go this time. Jensen swallowed slowly, his eyebrows furrowed deeply. He craned his neck closer to Misha and ever so slightly, kissed him. Not like a peck, like a full, on the mouth, deep, kiss. Jensen pulled away and jumped up. Misha sat on the chair, astonished at what just happened. It wasn't like a kiss you give someone when acting; those kisses were fun but meaningless. This was a kiss full of emotion and Misha didn't know what to do.

Jensen turned to look at Misha, breathing heavily. Their eyes kept fluttering to each others' eyes and lips. Both extremely embarrassed they looked at the ground, their faces hot and red. Finally, Jensen opened the door and ran out of the room. Misha wanted to call after him, but he knew Jensen wouldn't come racing back.

Only guys in movies did that, guys in the real world didn't come back, they just kept running.

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