Chapeter 2: Visiting Luke

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The next day....
"Hey Sam, have you heard anything more about Luke"
"No Eddie but I am really worrying about him"
"So am I, I wonder if we can ring his parents and ask them if we can go visit him"
"Well that would lift my spirits a little to go and see him and take him some flower or something like that"
"Yeah we can take some flowers for him, what a nice thing to do Eddie"
So the boys walked into Sam's house and asked his parent to ring Luke's parents to see if they were allowed to go and visit him.
"Hi Joe it's Sam's mum"
"Oh.. hi Sue"
"Well I have Eddie and Sam here next to me wondering if they could come and visit Luke in hospital"
"Of course, that would be lovely for them to come and visit"
"Okay cool we will be right there in about 20 minutes"
"Okay, I will be waiting down at the main reception desk for you"
"Sounds good see you then"
So both the boys were really excited, so they all jumped in the car and headed off to the hospital with Sam's mum Sue. They just got to the hospital and walked on in and seen Luke's mum waiting for them.
"Ahh mum, can I just go to the gift store quickly"
"Yeah that's fine"
"Hey mum do you like these flowers that I got for Luke"
"Yeah they are beautiful, how thoughtful of you"
"Aww Sam, that's very thoughtful of you as well"
"Shall we head on up" Said Joe
"I think we should" Said Sue
On the way to Luke's room they all had a bit of a chat about how Luke was.
They had arrived at luke's room and the seen wasn't looking good, as he hadn't had a shower so there was a lot of blood still on him but the nurses had done there best to help him out. The two boys were chatting to him but not getting a response. After a while at the hospital they decided to leave and go home and play a bit of Xbox and have a bit of fun to get the thought of Luke out there mind, but never forget about him.
"Hey Sam I might go home I think my dinner is going to be ready soon, my mum told me to be home at 5:30pm so I might go now"
"Okay that's fine, I will see you tomorrow"
On the way home Eddie walked past Luke's house and usually Luke would run out and say hi, but today that wasn't the case. Eddie walked into the house right on time and had dinner and the had a shower and then went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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