The SSS (Part one)

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Let me introduce myself.
Hi, I'm not telling you my name, but I will tell you this. I'm an agent for the SSS. Specifically, agent fifty-four in the SSS.
Aka the Secret School Society. I know, it sounds really cheesy but, it pays.
You may be thinking,
"It pays? What? What do you people even do?"
See, we have information on everyone at the school. You want it, you pay. When we want, we blackmail.
You'll either have to, pay with money, or do a task. A task.
A dirty, horrible task. Maybe including death, pranks etc.
Death and pranks? What in the world?
See, if anyone ever spills any know info, or is just a snitch, we blackmail others to embarrass them, hurt them, or depending on how much information it was, kill them.
How do we get our agents?

Well, we pick the sneakiest, dirtiest, trouble makers in the school that we think are fit for the job. Once we've chosen, we slip a note in their locker.
If they deny, then we threaten to tell their, deepest, darkest secret if they tell anyone.
It's two weeks in, it's about time. The 'Choosing Day' we call it, is on the fourth week of school.
We view their behavior in the fresh man year, and take some time to watch the ones that stick out in the first day, all the way to the day before Choosing Day.

If you accept, same rules. Only that you're now an agent. You can only get out of it once you graduate. If you ever tell anyone, you know the drill. The next generation will find you. Only sophomores and up are invited of course.
But, the second you walk into the school, this school, Wawanakwa High, you are in danger.

Give us about two to three days, we will find you.

Yes, I know every agent in the SSS. Everyone knows each other, after time I will tell you who I am, and who everybody else is. After time...
It's not like anyone will find out.
For if they do, bye bye.
But, they're is one person that barley anyone knows. The boss.
All the newbies know is thier great grandmother started the SSS, making it to were they have no choice but to except.
As you get higher in the agency, you lean more.
But, only the very well trusted senior agents know who the boss is.
The boss...
Yes, the boss.

Their grandmother was the starter of the SSS, her child the next boss, their child was the next boss for the SSS, and so on.
But who fills in for them at that current time they are gone? A very well trusted agent. The best and only the best. Multiple people fill in for that time, waiting for the boss.
Most of the time, if you're called in, you don't come out.
Alive, at least. Some lucky few were called in to be told they would fill in, they accept.
If they don't then someone else will fill. Yet only the senior agents seem to know who the boss is.
Even, if they are just a 'filler' as we like to call them, they never have a much power as the bloodline boss. That's what we have now. A filler.
I heard the next official boss is here.
This year. See, when you become a junior, if you are in that blood of line, you are at the age limit to become 'The Boss'.
Senior fillers only though.
When they are a soft more, they become an agent.
This year, the next boss is a soft more. It's just the beginning of the year and it's the filler's job to almost let them know, lead them on, give them hints. But not too many for them to find out.
That's for when it's time for them to become
'The Boss'.
Not a clue how they leave the boss anonymous to agents that are soft more to junior, I guess the new ones can't know. Now my mom was a very well trusted agent, there for, I started freshman year... But still, I don't know how the boss stays anonymous to newbies, this is the SSS we're taking about here.
They. Can. Do. Anything.
I don't think I'll be able to become a filler though.
You see, the bloodline boss is in the same grade as me I believe I told you.
Ahhhh, the SSS.
Everyone knows about it, now Courtney Barlow, I don't think she does. None of new kids do. It's only about two weeks into school. She would make a good agent though. Oh well, but no one is safe in this school. No one at all
She doesn't know.
They don't know.
She'll learn.
They'll all learn.

Sorry this was not a chapter chapter butttttt, I wanted to kind of introduce, this new character in this update. Yes, it is sick and twisted, trust me I know.
Butttt, I wanted to kinda give a back story to things.

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Mkayyy bi!

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