*Flash Back*
"I'm bored lets do something!!!" Niall groans after he finishes his chicken.
"Lets do something fun today, I mean it is our anniversary as a band!" Zayn says excitedly
"I have an idea! Let's go laser tagging!!!" Louis shouts
"What's that supposed to mean?" Niall exclaimed
"Is that safe?" Liam says worried
"Yeah it's not real lasers just red lights that go 'pew pew pew' " Harry explains and pretends to be holding a gun
"Sounds like fun I'm in!" Niall says his beautiful eyes glowing with excitement
. . . . .
"Jump in the box! JUMP IN THE BOX BEFORE THEY GET US!!!" Louis says pulling Niall into a tall rectangular box
"I see you Harry!" Zayn yells and shoots Harry probably a tousand times (he's so tall he can't hide anywhere!) then I hear footsteps running towards us
"Lets get em!" Niall yells and tries to jump out of the box, but fails and falls slamming down on his left knee "OHOW that hurt!" Niall screeches not seeing that his knee looks totally out of sorts
"OH MY GOD ARE YOU ALRIGHT NIALL?!" Harry rushes over to us seeing Niall's knee which is now all black and blue. His eyes start tearing up "I'm alright honestly"
"Niall this is not alright this is serious! You just injured your bad knee bro!" Louis says when Liam comes over
"NIALL!!! You're gonna be alright Nialler," He says and carefully picks up the injured blonde bridal style and we take him to the hospital
. . . .
Harry's POV:
Liam never trusted me after that day, even though it wasn't my fault. He assumed it was me because I was running by when it happened. Niall even explained what happened but it still seemed as if Liam didn't forgive me. I makes me feel really guilty thinking about it...
Niall's POV:
I woke up still feeling woozy and shocked. I don't remember anything after being at Nando's with Hazel. I was going to propose to her tonight, but I chickened out. I am so dumb sometimes. I am now strapped to a chair with handcuffs and I can't see shit out of my right eye and I am pretty sure my arm is broken.
Anyways where am I? Where's my brother?
"GREG?! HAZEL?! WHERE AM I?!" I shout not thinking about other people being there
"Quiet down pretty boy, they ain't coming" a deep man's voice called out to me.
I finally ask after forever "Who are you?" No answer... "I said WHO ARE YOU?!"
"Calm down boy" and under his breath he mutters "since you will be dead soon anyways... " "my names Saiid. If I were you I'd stop talking" I can feel him glaring at me. I pull my head up and see him. He looks Hispanic, Indian maybe? I can't really tell. he has long black curly hair, many many tattoos, black earrings, and a lip ring.
Finally Saiid breaks the silence, "So what were you doing at the station anyways?"
"Getting a new battery for the car what kind of stuff would you think we were doing?" I shout at him louder than I probably should have.
"What were you were really doing?" He says obviously not trusting
"I just told you ya in trustful cunt!"
"Hold your horses prince I know yas is lyin" he is making me real angry now
"I. TOLD. YOU. TO. SHUT. THE. HELL. UP!" he kicks me in the stomach between words when I start throwing up blood. "Thats better" he says breathing heavily.
"What do you..." *i start coughing up blood* "what do you want from me?" I keep my head down not being able to cover my face being strapped down to a chair, well next to it. Im on the floor not in the chair.
He gets out a gun and points it towards my head. "Say one more word and ill shoot you boy!"
"My names Ni-" he misses my head and shoots my shoulder. I knew he wouldn't kill me, he seemed too nice.
I black out from the pain..........
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You Found Me (Niall fanfic)
FanfictionHazel and Niall were the bestest of friends as little kids but what happens when Niall tries to propose? On a long search for their bandmate and his fiancé, Liam, Harry, Louis, and Zayn explore Mullingar to find the missing couple.