Rude Awakening

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The first thing she remembered was the wind, biting at every exposed piece of skin.

The next thing, is that she remembered nothing else. She had no idea who or where she was. She wondered for just a second, if this is what babies felt like. Empty. Every change in the wind was a new memory, a section of lost life getting replaced with something new. She started to shake, from fear or the cold she wasn't sure. She had sat up as she woke, finding herself deep within a forest.

"Everything will be alright." She had told herself. Her voice was deepish, a bit raspy, like she hadn't spoken in a few weeks. She held her hands up to look at them, pale and slender, like she could play piano. She was wearing a large black sweater and skinny black jeans. The bra she was wearing was comfortable and lacey, two things she found herself happy to discover. She wore combat boots and socks with cartoon wolves on them, the back of her brain told her this was ironic for some reason. She didn't have a wallet, or any form of identification,unfortunately.

"Maybe you just got really drunk, like really drunk, and forgot everything." She joked with herself, standing slowly. The sun shone down on her bare face making her squint. "You just gotta jog your memory." She huffed and set out moving towards the town she could hear in the distance. "No problem, maybe everything is fine." She whispered.

Behind her a twig snapped. She froze for a split second and slowly turned. She could see a silhouette of a person standing out against the sunlight. For amoment it was a Canadian standoff, then she began to run.

She didn't get far. The person caught up and grabbed her by the back of the sweater,effectively stopping her movements. They clapped a hand over her mouth and wrapped their other arm securely around her torso. They felt familiar, but still not friendly. She tried to struggle but nothing happened, they were just too strong.

"Mimi, calm down." They growled, slowly removing their hand from her mouth. She continued to fight to get away, eventually bringing her leg back to hit him in the nuts. He let go and she booked it. "Mimi!" He called, running after her. He grabbed and spun her to pin her against a tree. He wasn't as scary as she thought. He was very tall with really pretty bone structure. "Mimi, what is wrong"

"Who the hell are you?" She cried. "And where the hell am I?"

"My name is Derek Hale." He told her, slowly as if he had been prepared for this moment. "You and I are very close."

"Why can't I remember anything?" She sobbed. 

"Because-" He hesitated and sighed. "Because you're dead, Mimi."


A/N I know this is kinda terrible but I just wanted to get this part out of the way before really getting to the good stuff.

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