Chapter 10 Misty POV

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Misty POV :

- Serena wake up !!! - Bonnie shouted

- What's wrong what happend !!?!? - Serena shouted scared

- Calm down is everything ok , today is christmas !! - May shouted

- Oh yeah it's true - Serena said

- Come one let's go ! - Bonnie said grabbing Serena's harm

- Girls where is Dawn ?

- I don't know - May said

- Yesterday I listen to someone shouting at night .... you think someone kil---

- No .... hehe .... that shouting wasn't her - May said nervous

- How do you know ? 

- Beca--- - May was saying

But then we start listen to the boys laughing

- What a hell is going on in the boys room ? - May asked

- Let's see 

So when we arrive to the boys room

- Ahahaha - all boys laughing

- What happend ? - Serena asked

And then we saw was Dawn and Barry

- They were sleeping in the same bed - Gary said

- So .. what's the problem . . we were only sleeping - Dawn said - I was scared last night so Barry let me sleep here

- Nice - Gary said laughing

- Stop man - Barry said angry

- I can't - Gary said laughing

- Stop Gary ! 

- Ok ok - Gary said

- Thank you - Dawn and Barry said

- Well marry christmas everyone - Clemont said

- Marry Christmas - we all said

- Let's have the breakfast - Clemont said

So we all leave to the kitchen and we eat

- So what are we gonna do today ? - May asked

- I don't know whatever you want to do - Clemont said

- I was the only who listen to someone shouting scared last night ? - Dawn asked

- Nope you aren't - Gary said 

 - It wasn't nothing ok ?! - May said 

- What's wrong ? - Serena asked

- Anyone was shouting last night ok ? I didn't leave my room - May said

- Anyone is saying that - Ash said

And then we saw Drew leaving the house angry 

  - Drew wait !! - May said running after him

- Anyone here knows what's going on ? 

- Nope - Gary said drinking his coffe 

 After minutes

- Guys , come here ! - Dawn said looking at the window

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