never let me go // iwaoi

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wow i haven't updated in a hecking long time wowie, oh well, i'll give you some half juicy shit, kind of like a medium well steak, it's a little bit juicy, and a little bit shit. and don't worry, this one starts with angst then ends with fluff.

and i highly suggest listening to afraid by the neighbourhood while reading this.

Oikawa's pov:

Finally Saturday has come around, I wonder if Iwa-chan is up yet, I mean he probably is considering that it's like 11am. I go onto Snapchat and open all the streaks and send back some selfies to my fangirls, everything is going fine until I open one from Iwa-chan, I drop my phone and my eyes start to water as I look at the photo. It's a picture of Hajime with a girl kissing him on the cheek, the caption being "After all this time I finally have you as my own <3"

He has a girlfriend, the one I love, my childhood best friend has a girlfriend. It would be fine and I would be happy for him if it wasn't for the fact that I'm in love with him. I should've told him sooner, I really wish I did. I decide to send him a text so he doesn't have to see my crying face.

Tooru: wait!?!? since when did you have a girlfriend!?

About two minutes later he replies back.

Hajime: Since like a week ago, your acting like this is weird for me to like a girl, don't forget that i'm not the faggot here.

Tooru: wait, faggot? iwa-chan i thought that you were fine with me being gay? you said that you would accept me for who i am.

Hajime: Yeah well I did, but then Makki told me that apparently you have a crush on me, do you know how awkward and weird it is to be a straight male and to have your gay childhood best friend have a crush on you? I'm sorry Tooru but I can't do this anymore.

Every message he sends me, the more the tears begin to fall down my face.

Tooru: hajime please don't, i'm sorry that i'm a human being and i can't help my feelings, i'm sorry i'm such a screw up, i'm sorry for everything i've done, i'm sorry for giving you probably the most shitty childhood you could've had.

By this point I'm balling my eyes out under the covers of my bed, thank god I live by myself now so I can cry as loud as I want.

Hajime: Well sorry isn't enough in this case, goodbye Oikawa.

I go to send him something back but all I get in return is a message that makes my heart shatter into tiny pieces and any hope I have left leave my body.

'the person you are trying to talk has either changed their number or has blocked you, for help, please call XXXX XXX XXX' I go onto Snapchat and send him something but it just said 'pending'.

Iwa-chan blocked me, he blocked me, my best friend, well ex-best friend now, has blocked me. He doesn't want to talk to me or see me again. He's left me for someone else, someone that wouldn't be able to give him everything that he deserves.

I put my phone down and realise that I'm shaking as much as the windows do when it's windy. The tears are falling out of my eyes and down my cheeks like rain falling out of the clouds and down the windows. I open my curtains and see that it's raining, I don't know if it's a good thing when my feelings match up with the weather, it makes me feel like something has made me feel this way on purpose, like someones trying to punish me for being alive.

Suddenly my mind floods with thoughts of when me and Hajime were kids, we would disobey our mothers rules and go play in the rain, we would sing, dance and then lay down and look up at the raindrops, letting them fall in our eyes. I remember looking at Hajime, laying there on the floor, looking up at the sky, looking gorgeous. That's the moment when I knew that I loved him, seeing him laying next to me contently, it made me want to see him like this for the rest of my life, to wake up every morning in our house, in our bed, and see him laying next to me, with our arms around each other, hair messy, marks all over each other.

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