Chapter 1

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Hey guys! So I finally got the inspiration to write this again, but to do that I have to go back and rewrite all the existing chapters. My writing style has changed drastically over the past few months, so if I were to continue with chapter 11, the shift would be too evident and not entirely pleasant. Sorry for the inconvenience.

It was dark and it was cold. His venting was heavy, uneven as he ran, wait, when did he start running?

He skidded to a halt, kicking up a shower of dirt as he did so. Everything was quiet, too quiet, he did not remember the organic planet ever being this silent. There was always something making noise, usually, but now it was silent. He panted, spinning on his heal, darkness meeting his panicked optics wherever he looked.

Suddenly the scene changed and now he was standing amidst the ruins of a Cybertronian city. With growing trepidation, he recognized the ruins as Iacon city.

A shrill, auidio splitting cry rang out, echoing through the dark empty streets and cut off as suddenly as it started. Before he knew it, he was moving again, rushing through the destroyed alleys, the sounds of his pedesteps deafening in the eerie silence.

There! A small figure lay in the center of the dark street, the bright azure pool beneath her the only source of light, cutting through the pitch black like a lazer.
He dropped down next to her, uncaring of the blue liquid staining his legs. But it was already too late. Her armor had already reverted to the gun metal gray and her optics were dark. There was a gaping hole where her spark should've been.

His servos shook. For some reason he felt like he knew her for a very long time, yet he could not place her. What was her designation? Armor? Personality? Function? Who was she?

There was a sudden brush against his shoulder plate and he startled, turning around in a quick motion, the movement making him lose his balance and collapse against the body behind him.

Green optics, bright with insanity, stared at him from the darkness, crooked mouth stretched into an ear to ear grin, baring sharp dentae stained with something horrifically akin to energon.

He screamed.

The berth creaked in protest as he sat up, chassis heaving from the recent nightmare. Knock Out panted, closing his optics and servos grasping at his helm as he desperately tried to forget, to banish the horrible dream from his mind.

The soft buzzing did not register immediately, but when it did, long digits reached out automatically, the sharp click announcing the deactivation of the clock.

His red frame shook in distress as muffled whimpers escaped his parted lipplates. He thought the nightmares had stopped, he really did, but ever since Breakdown's demise, they plagued his dreams and no amount of sleep aids seemed to help.

Knock Out knew that the cause of this was his grief, along with the trauma his spark suffered when the bond was severed. The established peace did not help. During the war, he was kept busy, focusing on his own survival, but now..

Still shaking, he reached for the nightstand, opening a drawer and retrieving a small disk. With a soft click, the disk lit up and a hologram appeared, casting a dim blue light on his unusually pale faceplates, giving him a ghostly look.

Two mechs stared back at him, broad, matching grins on their faces. Bright, yellow optics stared back at him, yet untouched by the horrors of war and instead filled with endless joy.

Realizing that he could not bear it, Knock Out stashed the disk back into the drawer, unconsciously making sure to place it as far away as possible. His internal clock pinged him, informing the red medic of the time and if that he did not hurry, he could be late for his shift. Not that Ratchet would care, he'd been insisting on Knock Out taking a vacation for weeks.

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