Chapter 2/The Police Keep Quite

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When they got outside, Emil's mother said: "If the horse tram comes along well take it to the station." just at the Moment it came around the corner, and Emil put up his hand to stop it. The driver just held the reins and shouted "Gee up there!" Emil and his mother got out of the tram at the station and while he was hauling the suitcase off the platform, a deep voice behind them said "hullo! Where are you off to? Switzerland?" It was the police sergeant, Jescke. "Oh no, said Mrs Tischbein my son's going to Berlin for a week to stay with his relatives." But Emil had a guilty conscience where the sergeant was concerned and felt quite guilty about his voice. He and some of his school friends had stopped on their way back from the gym lesson, to stick and old felt hat on the statue of the grand Duke. Then as Emil was good at drawing, he had been lifted up by the others to chalk a red nose and a black mustache on the Dukes face. He was just adding the finishing touches when the sergeant turned the corner of the square, and, although they had all raced of fat top speed, they were awfully afraid that if he had recognized be continued...

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