You discover his darkest secret

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So Cole invites you to stay in a beach house with him, Lan and Erica. Things don't go so well and you go to your room and see 8 missed calls from Travis and a voice mail.
Can't  believe with Cole and you didn't tell me I'm coming there to beat fuck out of that prick.
You immediately run to Cole but Travis just arrived with a baseball bat and obviously wasted
"well fucking well isn't it my little sister. "

"Travis please. "
He eyes nailed on Cole
"Did you fucking touch her,  Did he Fucking touch you!"
"No buddy I didn't touch her. "
"  I'm not your fucking buddy to you Cole Stone. "
There were an exchange of punches until Travis was knocked out cold.  You and Cole went to your house and laid Travis on the couch and went to the kitchen to clean Cole's wounds.
"Hey stand still. "
"It hurts, he's lucky if he wasn't my shortcake's brother I'd be in jail instead of your kitchen.
Beth walks in
"Travis is wasted and it's all you fault you didn't even think about it. "
"Don't play the blame game you were her with him why didn't you stop him
"I'm done with Travis and I'm done with you y/n
She leaves and you go upstairs to confront Travis
"what do you have against Cole
"If he loves you he'll tell you
-time skip -
You told Nicole the next day and she sent a text to Beth,  Cole, Jay and Travis exactly what they didn't want to hear. They all came to the site and Nicole told them about why they were there and you told them  that Travis was struggling with his alcoholism and he needed help.
Everyone said something everybody said something encouraging except Cole. Fuck this,  Cole ran out and you followed.
"  I'm not into this dysfunctional business
I'm sorry Cole but if you wanted me it comes with dysfunction and all ,come back and make everything right
okay I will
He comes back and everybody turns to him what was that for Jay asked him.
"Sorry I was just feeling a bit uncomfortable because I was in a similar trouble"
Similar trouble you ask
Travis intervenes yeah Cole was addicted to drugs the pain killers and I was the one selling it to him when I found out he was addicted I stopped selling it to him about and he got mad and decided to go somewhere else.
Yeah Cole continued
When my folks found out it was either jail or military school
I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier
It's OK we'll get through this together

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