Torn Stone Roses (currently being rewritten)

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Chapter 1

Mornings. Waking up to a new day seems exciting to some, the idea of a fresh new blank canvas, that is just waiting to be painted on would get most people enthusiastic. But for me its like an endless battle, just another day that I will sink into and get lost.

The daylight is already streaming through my window, sinking into my exposed skin. Taking this a sign that I should probably get up. I do just that. A cold shower numbs me up for the day, it's almost like a cold case around my body that doesn't allow me to feel any emotion. After my shower I pull out my usual outfit for school, which consists of black leggings and a long sloppy shirt,today it's my purple tye dye shirt.

The house is quite so I'm guessing mums passed out in some stranger's bed again after her outing last night. My mothers like that, she's an adult that never matured from being a teenager. she had me when she was 16 I was a mistake, just the out come of two silly teenagers, and my mother doesn't try to hide how much of an inconvenience I am to her. But she's never tried.

I'm on my way out the front door when an excruciating pain stabs in my stomach I pause in the door way as I feel I might collapse. But I always seem to get through it. I haven't eaten in days, and even if I did I would just vomit it right back up again disgusting i know, but some reason I find comfort with my fingers at the back of throat. The thought of eating disgustes me.

Although the sharp pain sears right through my abdomen, I pull the door shut and walk down the driveway.

After 10 minutes of walking and watching the busy street buzz with life, I arrive at my detonation. School. Yeah that place full of whiny, bitchy, sluty, moody teenages. Apes, non human in my opinion.

As I usually do, I walk through the frount gates with my head down trying to be as invisible as possible.Of course this doesn't last for long.

"Amelia! Amelia honey" a shrill voice yells from behind me. I turn around slowly knowing full well who it is. And yes I was correct, the school councillor Miss Veven. We finally come face to face.

"Honey you missed your appointment yesterday. Would you like to come with me and we will have it now?" I can't help but cringe at her voice but I do as im told and nod.

"Great, you're extra lucky today you get to miss first period" she says clasping her hands together in front of her as if im a child.

"Yay" I say a little to sarcastically than I had wanted.

Her office smelled of leather and fresh paint, a smell I'm familiar to as I see the office once a week.

"So what's been happening in your life since we last met up?" she askes with a grin so big you can see all her molers.

"Its been pretty good I guess, mum's getting alot better she came home last night so that was good" I lie, none of this is getting better, I think she thinks that if she talks to me about it things will magically get better. Miss Veven's smile never disappears as I say this. She goes on asking me questions about my life, and poking into my business.

By the end of the dreadful session, it was second period. Biology. I made my way to room A2.

The room was already full of students talking and hopelessly flirting with one another.

I walk through the center of the room and make my way to the back seat of the class, where I usually sit. I didn't see the black back pack, carelessly slung on the floor in front of me. Of course I trip over it most dramatically, an fall square on my elbows, stopping my face from smashing on the cold, hard ground only by centermeters.

I herd a few gasps and some laughs, of course all attention is on me. As I try to get up I here a shuffling of feet and feel strong arms around my waist pulling me up.

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