Chapter 2

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I rushed to the small plastic in my pocket yesterday. The pill is gone. The Blue Pill is gone from the plastic! It was no where to be seen.

"What should I do? This is insane. This is crazy. This can't be happening. No. No. No. No. Kim Dae Sung, wake up from this horrible dream."

I reached for the note inside the plastic and called the number below.

*Phone Ringing*

"Yes? This is Seo Beom Jo from Rewind Life Center"

"Yah! What did you do to me?!"

"Ah~ I guess that you have already drank the blue pill."

"What? How did you know? Why am I like this? What was that pill all about?!"

"Can you open the door so that I could explain everything to you further?"

"Door? Are you outside of my apartment?"


"How did you know where I lived? Who are you? What do you want from me? Why did you turn me into a high school student. I still have work to go to you know!"

"Kim Dae Sung – ssi, I do know that you are currently unemployed and you are working as a part time in a convenient store somewhere in Seoul. You stayed in your previous company for only 2 months because of some certain reasons. Reason that both you and I clearly know about. I know everything about you but, you could be assured that this is an opportunity rather that a scam or some sort. Please open the door so that we could talk further regarding this matter."

I was dumbfounded. Just who is this guy and how did he knew everything about me. I knew I had no choice about this. I opened the door and I saw a tall guy with black hair, almond eyes and a smile that meant I am a friend and that you should trust me. As soon we sat down, he takes out an enveloper and hands it over to me.

"Please open this Dae Sung – ssi and read it while I explain it at the same time." He told me.

I opened it and there was this paper that said. "Rewind Life Center" He started explaining.

"Rewind Life Center is an organization that gives neet like you an opportunity to rewind life and change everything that you want to change. We choose our clients very carefully in order for us to determine whether you are fit to have another shot in life. Fortunately, you have passed according to our standards. I know that you didn't sign up for this but as you can see, it is the organization that choose who would be our clients. I will now explain the opportunity in front of you. The Blue pill that you drank has the ability to make you look like a high school student. You look younger but, your body is still the 25 year old body that you have. Now, once you have drank the blue pill means that you agree to accept this opportunity which you have just done. Now, for 1 year you will attend high school and study once again. in exchange the organization would pay for all your expenses and rent. You won't have to worry about anything and just go along with what we want you to do. After a year, if we are pleased with your performance and participation, we would offer you a full time job. How's that sound?"

I was still surprised with what he just said. A full time job after a year? Payed rent and expenses? And all I have to do is attend high school and study again.

"What's the catch?"

"There is no catch, Dae Sung – ssi, all you have to do is attend high school and study again. If we are pleased with the outcome of your participation, then we would offer you a full time job and change the path of your life. If not, then you will return as being a neet. That's that."

"Fine, I'll do it. I don't have a choice do I? I just took the blue pill."

"Glad that you have accepted it! Hold on a minute."

He stood up and went out. After a few minutes, the doorbell rang and he was there standing with several boxes.

"A little help would be appreciated."

I took a box and we sat down again.

"Okay~ this would be your things in school. Uniforms, books, PE and other materials that you would be needing once you enter school again. Class starts on Monday so be prepared. You would be attending Inchang High School in Seoul. Okay?"

He stood up and went to the door.

"If you have any questions or clarifications, feel free to contact me. You have my number right? well , hope to hear positive news from you. Good luck on your first day!"

And he was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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