7:26 a.m.

535 14 14

Every morning, we met outside Algebra at 7:26 a.m. Every day, we became closer to figuring out each others' names.

Ithoughtthiscouldbeacutestory.. The boy and girl may meet waiting for class to start. Maybe theboyandgirldidn'tknoweach other, but they madeupagametofigureouteachother'snames. Eachday, theysaythenumberoftheletterinthealphabet. likeA=1, B=2, etc.. Ithoughtitcouldjustbeacutelovestory... Thentheystarttofallinlove, butdon'tlettheotheroneknow. Thentheyfigureouteachother'snamesand.. yeah.. butifyouadoptthisstory, feelfreetomakeithowever! IjustthoughtI'dputmyplotversionjustifyoulikeit..

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