Let the pieces fall on their own

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(Meep meep I kinda miss Op from Drrrkinkmeme but oh well...)

  Hatchico looked over at her companion who had their eyes glued to the screen doing their best to make sure that no one was following Izaya. When she looked over at Hatchico she tilted her head curiously "Is something wrong?" "I know I asked this question before but do you feel anything at all? d-do you remember me not the me now but the me I used to be...do you remember us?" They both sat there in silence "Yumi?" "I apologize but I don't remember the life you say I previously had. Besides isn't the Yumi that I was made after currently dead? I'm not her and I don't think I ever will be...I'm sorry." Yumi felt arms wrap around her "Don't say that again! O-once we find her she can give you all your memories back and we can live peacefully together." She chuckled darkly "You never died you just lost your memory okay?" Yumi stayed silent,petting Hatchico's hair 'Humans...they have so many different types of emotions I wish that I could understand so I'd know what to do in situations like this.Now that she has the informant to help her find this mysterious person I don't know what lengths she'll go through to get what she wants...'

"Damn It!" Izaya shouted out in anger. "I thought this'll be simple but I guess they're more clever than I thought." He went through and asked every connection he had but they all just gave useless information or it was a dead end.Well not every connection anyway he saved the two for last but who to choose. Mikado would be the wiser choice but as of late he didn't know if he still was running the dollars. Now Masaomi is no longer the leader of the yellow scarves but since he knew that gangs was his specialty he might be of use after all. Of course he knew he couldn't directly contact him since Kida hates his guts but he knew just how to worm his way into getting exactly what he needs. He went through his contacts before clicking and calling the number which name read "Saki"

A women with long black hair and a surgical mask with a wide grin drawn on it spun around the man tied up in a chair. She stopped and gripped both his shoulders before leaning dangerously close to his face "So are you gonna tell me who's at the center of your operation or do I have to get real violent" The man glared at her "Like a women like you could do anything." He heard her chuckle as she stepped to the side and picked up a scalpel "Sorry but I don't have any pain meds but I'm sure you can handle the pain of having your chest cut open." "N-no!" "Then will you talk?" "N-no" she sighed "Fine I don't want to clean up any blood so ten seconds." "Huh?" She cut the rope so quick that it was like it wasn't even there to begin with. "better start running hope you remember how you got down here." he scrambled to his feet before darting off. She put the scalpel down and started counting down until she finally reached ten. In no time she was at a closed metal door that was locked on the other side but she could still hear panting as if someone was struggling up the steps.She gripped the door before pushing it in on itself. With the door now in her hands she rammed the man onto the floor trapping him between the door and the floor. "I really hate people like you! experimenting on people ruining their entire lives!" She pushed harder "I was just a kid have you no remorse! I never wanted this strength! I never wanted to be disfigured!" She pushed harder screaming hysterically over and over "I hate you! I hate you all!" She stopped when she heard a loud crack and squishing noise. she lifted up the door to see a bloody mess.The guy looked like a squished bug. Her eyes drooped into slits "Looks like I need to clean up blood after all" she picked up the body to be disposed of. "No games next time..."  

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