Mimi's Diary

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Mimi's screaming could be heard throughout the entire castle, reminding everyone that a certain magician didn't sleep in late. Speaking of said magician, he was currently spawning in clones of himself in order to distract the fuming shapeshifter. Dimentio snickered. "Oh goodness this is too much fun."
He continued to float down the hall when suddenly, a rubee sped past him almost striking his right arm. He turned around to see Mimi with a armful of rubees and muttering to herself the many different ways she could kill Dimentio.

"Darling, you're trying way too hard you know. All you have to do is keep this," he gestured to the yellow and red spotted diary," somewhere that I won't be able to find it." He smirked with amusement, clearly loving how he could make her angry so easily. And at 6:00 in the morning at that!

"I am not! And no I don't! YOU just have to learn to keep out of my room and away from my stuff!" She retorted while slinging another rubee his way, which was easily dodged.

"Ok, whatever makes you happy darlin'." He tossed her diary to her, which she gratefully caught. "Hmph!" She closed her eyes, turned her heel and walked away. The jester just giggled to himself and teleported away.


Mimi's POV

I slammed the door to my room and threw myself onto my pink and purple fur bed, curling up under two giant heart shaped pillows, clutching my diary to my chest. That dingus! He's such a big meany head! I wish I could protect my diary somehow...

I quickly hopped off my bed and bounced over to the door excitedly. This was going to be a great idea!

I poked my head into the dark hall of Castle Bleck, making sure Dimentio wasn't waiting for me to hop out so he could grab my diary again. Luckily, he was nowhere in sight. I quietly closed my door and walked down the hall till I had found where I needed to go.
Nastasia's room. He would never look in there! And I trust Nassy not to invade my privacy. I knocked on the door a few times and waited.

Dimentio's POV

"Arghh. This is becoming harder and harder everyday. Their getting closer by the minute, and I'm still not fully pre-paired." I sighed in annoyment as I watched the mustached hero make his way to Queen Jaydes's castle in the Underwear.

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