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sexuality: she's only nine, she's does even know the definition of sexuality!
personality: Little Stella is mommy's favorite without a doubt. Stella gets everything and anything she wants and I mean it, never has the girl begged for something and not received it. She's a monster, some demon spawn who crawled herself up from the very deepest pits of hell itself. You may think I am exaggerating but when the word evil is used, it's not an exaggeration by any means. When you meet Stella you will fall for her cute eyes and her sweet smile and that adorable cupcake smell that radiates off of her. Her pigtails will seem like cheery little jump ropes and her dress up games will be just like all of those from your childhood. Until you do something the little devil doesn't like. Then that cupcake smell turns to the smell of death, her pigtails become whips and her smile becomes an evil grin. But around her mother, oh truth me, Stella is never the one to get in trouble for anything. Watch your back Selected, because she's hungry for tears.
interests: ha, besides making people cry you mean? Well, the few people who may manage to get on Stella's good side will come to learn that she is actually your typical nine year old child. She loves to play with makeup that isn't hers and she likes to paint as well. In fact, shortly after the girl was adopted, the queen gave her new daughter a special wall in her room for her to paint all by herself. It's the nine year old's pride and joy.
backstory: surprise, surprise, Stella has an actual reason for being such a rotten brat all of her life. Simply because she's spoiled but also because that's how she was raised for 8 years of her life. In a shady part of the kingdom, a broken and worn down family lived. After having two kids only 9 months apart, the two swore to never have another child. Low and behold, Kenzie and Micah Hyde gave birth to an adorable, bubbly and bright little girl nearly 7 years after their promise to themself. And then the arrest happened. Baby Stella was only 3 by this point but she could walk, talk and she was slowly learning to write thanks to her older brothers, Jay and Gil. Long story short, the princess' birth parents were arrested for multiple crimes including larsony, trespassing, identity theft and assault. Yeah, pretty crappy, we know. Growing up and being raised by two hardly developed teenage boys was one of many hardships the girl had to undergo but due to the lack if family, Stella and her brothers were on constant run from the orphanage, worried they'd be split up. It wasn't long (age 5 to be exact) until Stella picked up Jay and Gil's knacks for pickpocketing and stealing from fruit stands and such. As if Stell hadn't had enough by age 7, almost being caught three times and such, more came anyway. Less than a week before her 8th birthday, each of the three siblings set out into the market to steal themself something special. It was only supposed to be one thing each but Gil and Jay took more, wanting to get their little sister something special for her birthday but their speed wasn't enough for they were caught. Stella was mortified as she watched her two brothers, her only family left, her everything, be executed directly in front of her. Realizing that the young girl was now on her own, the village guards took her to the orphanage where she lived as an empty shell for 3 months until the queen chose her to be adopted. Once arriving to the castle, her "new mother" took extra special time to work with Stella and eventually, things began to melt away and the Queen spoiled Stella to no end. So before you yell at the girl for her ways, ask why she was adopted.