Love Letter

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It was a surprise to you at first. To think that your old childhood friend was going to the same school as you. You were happy, but also a bit scared. Would he remember you? You couldn't even lie to yourself. Ever since you guys were little you always had a crush on him. Even when he left and stopped talking to you for no reason. You couldn't help, but have feelings for him.

You had no idea how to approach him. Especially since he hung out with that dude Jotaro. He always did like cheesy stuff. It made him laugh. You thought about what you could do without actually embarrassing yourself in front of him.

"cheesy.." You thought to yourself out loud as you stood at your locker. An idea popping into your head as you remembered how when you were younger Kakyoin and you would send letters to each other. You took out a yellow sheet of paper. Quickly writing, trying your best to explain who you were and what you wanted. Making it as cheesy as possible.

"This might be a bit odd for you..but since I'm not too sure how to actually speak to you in person. My name is [Y/N], you might not remember me, but I remember you. We were friends when younger and well, I was really surprised to see you again. Can't forget that cute noddle of your's. Well..I just wanted to talk to you again. Since it's been such long time. You can talk to me when you have a chance."

Being a bit happy with what you wrote, you sealed it up and hurrying to where kakyoin was. You waited for him to leave his locker with Jotaro before going over and sliding it into the locker. You let out a sigh. Walking away from the locker. Hoping that he wouldn't think if you as weird.


It's been a two day's since that letter. You didn't think it would take him this long to answer, but maybe a letter was just not the way to go. You walked up to your locker. Opening it up to see a letter inside. A blush spread across your face as a small heart kept the letter sealed. You opened it up to actually pretty nice handwriting.

"Thank's for the love letter, [Y/N]. Of course I remember who you are. You were my only friend and I thank you for that. I'm sorry I didn't notice you before, but I would love to hang out with you! Like the good old day's."

You smiled at his response, but then you realized at the bottom a quite different handwriting than Kakyoin. It seemed someone else might have written it since Kakyoin was trying to explain that he didn't ask it and it was his friend who wrote it.

"Do you like me? Answer one,

Yes [ ] No [ ]"

You chuckled softly. Checking the box yes. Cheesy, but you could just lie and say you liked him as a friend if he doesn't feel the same way.

You made your way to Kakyoin's locker. Walking up to him and handing him the letter. Kakyoin looked over at you, stopping his conversation with Jotaro. He slowly took the letter, opening it up, a blush spreading across his face as he realized you marked 'Yes'.

"I'd love to hang out with you, like the good old days." You gave him a smile. He smiled back down at you. Nodding slightly. "I'd like that."



Finished- 5:26 8/1/17

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