dnp drabble

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I turned on the camera and leaned back in my desk chair, letting out a long and apprehensive sigh.

"This is it,"I said to myself in a hushed whisper. "Now or never."

I fiddled with my fingers as I called for Dan, anxiety creeping over me like nightfall as I heard footsteps approaching. Dan walked into the gaming room, a smile coating his face as he saw me. I smiled back, lightly laughing as I saw his whole figure; it was two o'clock in the afternoon, and Dan was still in his grey sweatpants and shirtless, his attire from the previous night. His hobbit hair was strewn in all sorts of directions, and I swore that in this moment I fell even more in love with him- as if that was even possible.

"What's up, hun?" I smiled at the name. I took off the sweatshirt I was wearing and threw it at his chest.

"Come on, put this on and sit down."

Dan did as he was told, giving me a weird look, to which I gave a smile in return. I turned towards the camera, gesturing for Dan to do the same.

"Hello Dan and Phil Games Mysteries!"

Dan let out a chuckle. "Damn right this is a mystery, this little shit didn't even tell me we were filming a video."

I smiled at Dan, then back at the camera. "Today I wanted to do another round of the 7 Second Challenge, and I thought you would say no if I asked beforehand. So... I just didn't ask!"

Dan let out a really loud groan, leaning his head onto my shoulder. "Phillllllll, this game requires too much thinking and moving!"

"See! This is why I didn't ask! Oh please Dan? We haven't done it in such a long time and the fans really want another video." He lifted his head and I gave him my best pouty face.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh, whatever, fine. But you're just lucky that I love you."

My heart skipped a beat. "Yes! Okay," I pulled out my phone and pointed it at him. "You have seven seconds to... put your foot behind your head!"

Dan's eyes widened as he let out a panicked noise. He grabbed ahold of his left ankle, trying his hardest to push his foot behind his head, however barely making it past his shoulders as the buzzer went off.

I was left in hysterics as Dan let out an exhausted puff of air and glared at me, pushing on my chest. "This is what I meant!"

I laughed harder as I handed him the phone, watching him try to be mad at me, but ultimately failing as a smile crept on his face.

"Payback time."

My laughter immediately halted and my eyes widened. "Uh oh."

"Lick one of your pinky toes."

"What! That's disgusting, no way!" Dan let out a deep laugh, shaking his head.

"Come on, Phil. You have to do it, this was your idea!"

"Why do these all have to do with feet?" I dropped my head into my hands, earning another laugh from Dan. I sighed, lifting my foot up towards my face. I took a deep breath as I heard Dan start the timer and closed my eyes, reluctantly licking my toe.

I let out a shriek, wiping my tongue on my shirt before I could get a good taste of what I had just done. Dan, on the other hand, had almost fallen out of his chair from laughing so hard.

I turned back to the camera. "Well needless to say if I end up contracting some weird disease and dying, we know who to blame!"

Dan wiped his eyes as he calmed down, handing the phone back to me. This went on for about 20 minutes, endless laughter and weird challenges, ranging from physical activities to naming things, but no matter what happened, the room was filled with the laughter and banter between Dan and I.

After having to spell my whole name whilst doing push ups, I figured now was the perfect time to catch the laughing mess of a Dan off-guard.

"Okay Dan, are you ready for the next one?" I stuck my free hand into my pocket, leaning forward in the chair.

He nodded, smiling to repress his previous laughter. "Okay, yeah, I'm ready."

I started the timer and pulled the ring out of my pocket, holding it out in front of him.

"You have seven seconds to say yes."

Dan's mouth fell open as he stared at the silver band that I was holding. The buzzer on the timer went off and he looked up at me, putting a hand over his open mouth.


I looked down at the ring. "Yeah, I know it's pretty cheesy, but-"


My eyes shot up at him. "Yes?"

Tears began to ran down Dan's rosey cheeks as he nodded furiously. "Yes Phil, yes I'll marry you."

It was my turn to start crying as I slid the ring onto his finger and looked at his hand. He grabbed my hands and squeezed them tightly, bringing them up to his mouth and kissing them.

"Did you plan the whole video just to do that, Philly?"

I shrugged and smiled at him. "Maybe."

He leaned in and kissed me, filling me with confidence and utter infatuation. I pulled away and let out a giggle, never wanting the sheer joy of this moment to end. I gave him a quick peck on the nose before turning to the camera.

"Well that concludes the 7 Second Challenge here on Dan and Phil Games! Leave a like, and let us know if you think Dan should take my last name, or if I should take his. I'm thinking Daniel Lester has a nice ring to it, huh Danny?"

"In your dreams, you're such a Phil Howell."

I shook my head. "I guess we'll have to see what they think. See you next time guys!"

End Cards:

Dan: danisnowalester

Phil: AmazingFiance

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