Chapter 2

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Lucas' P.O.V  Present Day

It has now been two centuries on and within that time a lot has changed. Some changes were either good or bad.You may be wondering what I did when I turned into a vampire, well I simply started killing people for blood that was considerable since I was a  newborn and as I aged I started drifting away from my parents.

I also built up some walls so I wouldn't hurt anyone at school. When I said I started to kill people I forgot to mention that I only killed people who deserved it. Also when I turned eighteen I officially stopped aging.Whilst I was growing up in vampire form I knew I had to be strong and train, so I started training every day for hours and hours. My parents were getting concerned about my health but I always assured them that it is very hard to kill me.After years of research and training, I managed to learn a lot about vampires and I also happened to earn a lot of muscles. Due to me living 'forever' my parents were getting older from every passing day and eventually passed due to old age.

At the age of fifteen, I was called into a camp with vampires because apparently the people there could spot me as one so I went with them and we had to train to be a leader and the best would become the prince alongside their second hand which was the second best person in the camp.

However, because I started to train before I went to the camp it was quite simple for me. We spent two years doing this and when we were seventeen they would announce the prince and their second hand. I waited and waited until they announced who they were and guess who it was me, yeh no surprise anyway 'my' second hand was a guy called  Aiden.

Yeh, so now you get what happened the past two centuries

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