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/Tord's POV/

It's been a few months since the day I betrayed my friends and took a shot at world domination. My hands are rapidly shaking as I clench my stomach. I haven't eaten since the day I watched Jon die in the arms of Edwardo and my friends watch me in disbelief. I cry at least once a day so I try my best to stay hydrated. I miss them all so much. Edd worrying for our health and the sound of him sipping cola. Matt always obsessing over himself and secretly drinking Edd's last can of cola. But what I miss most is teasing Tom and secretly listening to him play his bass. I grab my phone and cry when I see the picture we took before the first time I left. I quickly call their home phone. Just when I thought nobody would pick up I hear a pained voice.

"Tord?! What do you want?"

"Who exactly am I talking to?" I tease and listen to him laugh.

"How can you not recognize my magnificent voice? It's Matt you dummy!"

I can't help but smile. "Matt, it's been a while but I could never forget your 'oh so magnificent voice'." We laugh for a while then snap back to reality.

"Ok but Tord, what do you want?"

I sigh and look down. "Matt ... I'm sorry... I thought world domination was what I wanted, but what I really want is to be with you all. It killed me when I started it all. I understand if you don-"

"This Saturday, mall, 9am"

He hangs up and I look dozen at my phone, "Wha?"



I am sorry about the short chapter but I want to leave you guys on a cliff hanger and I will try to post either tomorrow or the day after


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