Trouble #1

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Tord enters the mall and looks around for Matt. He feels warm arms wrap around his waist then turns around to see Matt. "MATT!!!"

"You missed me didn't you?" He laughs slightly.

Tord hugs back and buries face into the mans chest. "More than you know."

Matt pulls away and watches Tord cling to him. "I was hoping we'd get some shopping done today but I guess not."

Tord slowly pulls away and takes his hand leading him inside. While they walk he doesn't lift his head since he's blushing. He walks into a wall that moved back and he looks up only to go pale.

"Well well, if it isn't Tord Larsson I'll be darned"

The Norwegian instantly starts to shake. "What are you doing here? I thought I left you in Mexico while training!"

The strange man punches Tord. "Exactly, you never cared for any of us! You thought we were simple pawns made to be used as you please!"

Matt steps in. "Leave my boyfriend alone."

Tord looks confused and pokes his back. "Matt we aren-"

Matt turns around and deeply kisses Tord. Tom was walking with Edd when he just happened to see this and runs off crying.



Hey guys I know this chapter is also short but I like to leave cliff hangers. If you were wondering who the man was most should be able to figure it out but if not you'll see later. No this is not Tordmatt I promise but you'll see. Enjoy your suffering muahahaha 😈


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