III. Marshmallows

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Year: 2015

Cam was just five months and the morning sickness had just started to stop along with the dizziness and fainting that had happened a couple times. Harry was exploring with black and white paint but had to stop immediately when she consistently threw up due to the fumes.

It was winter and the snow was starting to pile up and Cam hated the winter because it was always so cold and she had to wear gloves when she preferred to wear dresses now that she was round.

And for the most part she enjoyed her pregnancy because she ate a lot of marshmallows even though she ate them a lot before her pregnancy this was just her excuse to eat them now.

But the throwing up made her hate her pregnancy because Harry was experimenting with black and white paints as the fumes always got to her.

She took her cup of coffee and her bag of marshmallows to the couch as she crossed her legs and watched Harry draw and she was happy because she didn't smell the fumes to the black and white paint.

"Hey," she said as she took a sip of her coffee but Harry barely acknowledged not only because he was so concentrated on his sketch but because last week he had hickeys covering his neck and he didn't tell the girl he put a ring on for to spend the rest of his life with.

And Cam noticed it too. The lack of the person on the bed that was meant for two and the late night entrances at two in the morning and she thought he stayed at the office he hated because it had no paper or pencils or wild imaginations. It was just computers and keyboards and one way.

But instead he left his very pregnant wife at two in the morning to meet with a girl that had a curvy waist and pale skin and his skin was touching her skin and her skin was touching his-

"Are you okay?"

And he turned to look at his wife that smelled like coconuts and her lips tasted like marshmallows because that's all she ever ate even before she was pregnant.

"Yeah- yeah I'm fine."

Cam knew he was lying because it was always Cam and Harry and she knew him like she knew photography.

But she ignored the sudden nervousness and stutters as she popped a couple of marshmallows in her mouth.

"So I was thinking we could pick some names for jewels," she suggested.

And that made his heart sink even more because his angel was depending on him but he was out with a girl that had a curvy waist and her skin was touching his skin and his skin was touching hers.

And he wasn't in the bed that was made for two and Cam would wonder where he was and despite their marriage slowly sinking, that's all he could think about. Cam Cam Cam.

"Can we talk later? I really want to finish this." And he really did want to talk about baby names and what he could name his angel and her jewels but he was with another girl when he could've been on a bed that was made for two.

"Please babe," she begged as she popped another marshmallow in her mouth before setting her food and drink down on the table and leaning forward to kiss his neck.

And he had always loved her kisses because they were soft coming from her pouty pink lips that usually always tasted like marshmallows.

But today was different because she was kissing his neck that already had prominent hickeys on them and they weren't from her lips that tasted like marshmallows because those hickeys just reminded him of vodka and red lips and hotels.

"Cam..." he tried to gently shake her off but it was too late because she already detached her pouty pink lips from his neck once she saw the hickeys prominent on his neck that reminded him of vodka and red lips and hotels.

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