Chapter Eight~

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Ellie's P.O.V~

I stepped out the shower and dryed my body with the towel I found next to the clothes Niall broung me.

I wiped my face and looked in the mirror. I looked like shit. Bags under my eyes, my nose all red, my lips chapped and pink.

I grabbed the clothes he broung and slipped them on. They where alittle big but comfortable.

I jumped at the loud knock on the door. My heart pounded faster each second thinking of who that could be.

"Ellie are you done?". I heard niall whisper.

I was relieved that it was him and not zayn.

I opened the door to reveal niall looking alittle timid.

"come on". he said grabbing my arm harshly and yanking me into the room I was once in.

He slammed the door shut and ran his hand through his hair.

"ill get you some new sheets". he said going in the small closet.

"is zayn back?". I asked softly watching niall pull the bloody sheets of the bed .

"yes". he replied.

Chills ran through my body replaying me meeting him at the store. He seemed so innocent, so Normal.

"niall". we heard zayn call.

My eyes grew wide hoping he didn't come in here. But I got my hopes up.

Zayn walked in the door and a smirk grew on his face.

"hello love". he said walking towards me.

Niall watched him closely like he was making sure he wasn't going to do anything.

"sorry about earlier , you where just so hard headed". he said smirking .

I pressed my lips in a thin line trying not to move.

"but everything is okay now right?". he asked twirling a piece of my hair on his finger.

I nodded my head but didn't say anything.

He glanced at Niall then back at me.

"you two look lovely together". he said.

What is he trying to do?

"but its going to be hard for me to resist you". he said evily.

My heart dropped.

"Your body is to perfect and your eyes oh your eyes". he said .

his grip on my hair got tighter.

"zayn". niall said softly. Too softly.

"oh so much fun we could have". he said getting alittle bit louder , pulling my hair harder making me squeel.

"zayn!". niall yelled causing both of us to look at him and zayn to let go.

His smirk dropped and he shifted his body to where he was standing taller.

"ill just leave you two". zayn said walking towards Niall.

"have fun". he whispered loudly, I know he wanted me to hear.

He walked out and slammed the door.

Niall caught me off guard my pulling me into his chest.

"he won't touch you". he whispered.

I closed my eyes and the tears poured out.

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