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I have been wanting to address this situation for a very long time now but I was just always worried and I could never find the right words to explain how I feel but I'm just going to go right ahead and explain the best I can and not be afraid to talk about this.

For a very long time now, over the last couple of months I have been very inactive. I have mostly been inactive on this website, and this website only. And the reason why I have is because I kind of lost interest in posting artwork on here. Everytime I log back into my account, it's so empty to the point where it makes me sad.

I hardly ever get notifications or updates from new stories and everyone I know seems to be very inactive as well and they haven't posted anything since over 5 months and possibly over a year. Don't get me wrong, I love Wattpad and it has been such a big part of my life and I have so many memories on here but I feel like it's time for me to finally say goodbye to this account and move forward.

Posting on here has become a chore for me and most of the time whenever I update a new chapter I'm not entirely happy and the only reason I continue to update and post artwork are for those wonderful Sugarcubes who have stayed for the longest time and have supported me so much all the way until now and still continue reading what I have to say.

I have taken countless breaks. I've paced back and forth on whether or not if I should keep this account, make a new one to start off fresh, delete it, or just disable my account altogether. It has been such a hard decision for me to make but I'm tired of having to do something that doesn't make me happy as much as it used to.

I just want to leave this website altogether but then again I don't because I don't want to lose having contact with the few active friends I have on here and I also don't want to miss any updates from those same friends as well. I've been worrying about posting on here and being active on here for such a long time to the point where it's made me stressed and upset.

I will never forget the amazing memories I have made on here and I will never EVER forget about the wonderful friends I made and met and I honestly look forward to continue talking to them again and I just wish them the best if they've gone inactive or left Wattpad.

This isn't an official goodbye and I'm not even sure if I'm going to be leaving but at the same time I've lost motivation to continue posting on here and most of the time I feel like a lot of people aren't interested in reading/seeing my artwork as much as they were back in my first and second artwork to be honest..

This is one of the reasons why I've mentioned my Instagram and twitter so many times on here because I feel a lot more happier and comfortable posting my art on there than on Wattpad. They both have a great community for artists and I've felt so happy being on there for the last two months!

If you've read this far into this chapter, I just wanted to thank you! I know I always ramble a lot and it's often annoying and boring but for those who have dealt with it for so long and have supported me through it as well, thank you so much!

I am honestly so happy and grateful to have been apart of a wonderful community on here and I can't wait to build a bigger and better community on other social media's I use. If you're interested in talking with me or just seeing more of my art you can always check my Instagram and twitter! The links are in my bio and message board for you to go check out and send me some love on there too!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much! No matter if you voted, commented, created fanart, sent me a message, or whatever you did here on my account to show your support, I really do appreciate it and I will always look back to Wattpad as a wonderful community that gave me the confidence and opportunity to share my artwork on the internet and to always keep drawing to grow better as an artist!

I love you all so much and I hope to see you all very soon, in the meantime I'm going to log out of this account in the next hour so I apologize if I don't get to see your feedback or respond to your feedback as well. 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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