Clubbing with my crush? -Joe Sugg

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Y/n= your name

h/c= hair colour

h/l= hair length

h/t= hair type

e/c= eye colour

y/h= your height

Y/n's POV

I was standing by the bar as the bartender handed me a drink. After paying I took a sip as I remembered why I hated this idea so much. Basically, I have a crush on Joseph Sugg, a member of the ButterCream squad. Tyler Oakly, my best friend, is staying in London and also knows I like him. He thought it'd be an amazing idea to go out to a club (which BTW I hate clubbing) and try confess to Joe.

However, it hasn't gone to plan. So far: I've tripped out of the car getting here, some old guy was trying to hit on me which ended with him drenched in my expensive drink, some b*tch shoved me into a total (hot) stranger ,and finally... Tyler, Joe and I were dancing when Tyler spilt his drink on me. Groaning I looked down at my poor, ruined, black dress and seen it wasn't drying. Rolling my eyes at myself I took another sip from my drink.

I crossed my arms and glanced around the room. I probably looked like a wreck. I honestly just want to go home and cry. "I knew this was a bad idea," I muttered leaning against the wall.

"What was a bad idea?" I turned my head to see Joe standing beside me with a drink. "You look really stressed, what's wrong?" He asked. I flipped my hair slightly to try and cover my face as I answered, "Nothing's wrong, just don't like clubs." Well it's true, but it's only half the reason.

"Well do you maybe wanna ditch the club? I'd honestly rather not be here either," Joe said. Looking back at him I replied, "but what about our friends, God Tyler would go crazy if he thought I was lost." Joe laughed beside me as he showed me his phone. He had already sent a message to everyone, saying that we were heading to his place.

"Oh my god, 'don't be a fool cover your tool mate', what the hell is wrong with Jack," I said shaking my head with a slight laugh. "Welp lead the way my good friend. Cause I'm so done with this club," I finished, pointing no where in particular. Joe chuckled at me as we walked. Damn, I could listen to that all day.

As we arrived outside we waited for our uber. "Why don't you like clubs that much?" Joe asked, randomly. "I just don't like how everyone's bodies are shoved together, there are creeps and ugh, so much more." I answered. After that we just made small talk until the uber arrived. Getting inside I felt a pair of eyes on me. "Hello pretty," the uber driver said. I muttered a small hi and an awkward silence had started.

"Just here, cheers mate." Joe says as we pull up. Paying and getting out we go to his apartment. "Do you wanna change? I can lend you some clothes," Joe said opening the door. "Are you sure?" I said as we walked in. "Yeah, here I'll go get some. Bathroom is over here by the way," He said pointing to the bathroom.

After changing into the loose tee and sweats I was given, I open the bathroom door to see Joe on the couch on his phone. "Thanks for lending me some clothes," I said with a slight blush creeping onto my face. "No problem, movie? It's your pick," he said holding a controller. "How about a game?" I asked sitting beside him.

He chuckled and put on fifa. After both failing and wining a few times, I was on the floor laughing at something that Joe had said. "It's not that funny!" He exclaimed embarrassed. "No no no, you're right. It's both adorable and funny." I said laughing again. I hadn't noticed the blush that had found it's way onto Joe's cheeks. "Whatever," he said in a 'teen' voice. Wiping my eyes I finally got off the ground and back on the couch.

"Remind me to go clubbing, then ditch the club with you again." I said as I had calmed down. I didn't get a reply so I looked at Joe. He was staring at me, both of our cheeks went scarlet red as we looked away. Rubbing his neck Joe sighed and leaned his head back. "I've had fun," I said with a small smile.

Just then my phone had buzzed. Looking down I seen a message from Tyler saying, 'Remember use protection! I'm too young to be an Aunty.' Rolling my eyes and turning off my phone I lean my head on Joe's shoulder. Why? I had started to get tired. "Tired?" Joe asked leaning his head on mine. "Yah," I said yawning.

My eyes had began to slowly close. "I'll carry you to bed." Joe said. "Piggy back ride?" I asked with a small giggle. "Of course." Climbing onto Joe's back, I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. I rested my head on his shoulder and he grabbed my legs to stop me from falling off.

I felt myself being laid down, and finally the warmth of a body disappeared for a few seconds. The bed tipped on the other side, indicating that Joe had gotten in. Joe pulled me close to his body as I turned around to cuddle with him. Before darkness had taken over I felt a kiss on my forehead and a soft voice say, "Goodnight love."

Hiya Little Slayers! I hope you enjoyed that imagine! It kinda took a while to get this out, sorry I've had a lot of school work to do. If your enjoyed don't forget to vote, comment and add this to your library for future imagines! And you can also go to my profile and follow me for other books and updates. Should I do a part 2? Bye Little Slayers!

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