A turning point; chapter 4

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"Hey, where are you going after school?" Zoey asked. "God, i don't know." Amanda replied and she looked on the floor. As she walked, she banged onto someone, when she looked up, it was Charles. "B? Oh, i'm sorry, are you hurt?" Charles said anxiously, stroking her cheeks. Amanda thought for awhile. She decided to put the incident that took place a few hours ago. "Yah, i'm fine." Amanda replied and smiled wearily. "Are you needing her now? If no, could i borrow her?" Charles turned to Zoey. "She's your girl friend, you don't have to borrow her from me. And i guess you both really needed this time together. Amanda, call me when you're done." Zoey looked at Amanda and waved goodbye. Charles pulled Amanda's hand and Amanda followed, smiling.

Charles brought Amanda to a corner, leaving them alone. "B, i am sorry. I didn't mean to lie to you yesterday... Aww, your eyes, sorry..." Charles lowered his voice and kissed Amanda's cheeks. Amanda kept quiet and kept her gaze on Charles. "But you know, you just held Eric's hand and i didn't quite like it" Amanda turned away from Charles and looked around. "B, talk to me." Amanda ignored Charles and played with her fingers. After an awkard silence, Amanda finally stood up and said, "That was because Eric wanted to punch you in the face. I'm going home first, Zoey's waiting. I'll message you later. Bye. " After she finished her sentance, she walked away.

Amanda was close to tears when she saw Zoey walking to the canteen. "Zoey!" Amanda called out. Zoey turned around and looked behind me, "Where's Charles?" "Dun mention, lets go" Amanda said and walked away. Zoey stood rooted to the ground, "Tell me what that jerk said again."

On the way home, Amanda told Zoey what he said. "Man, i swear if i was you, i would have slapped him left right. Can't he tell you're protecting him from being punched by Eric? Seriously, Eric is so much better." Zoey spoke in wraith. "I know. I would have liked him if i wasn't with Charles." Zoey confessed and blushed. "You want to bet that Eric has a little something for you? Like, say, had already grown some feeling for you. He called you 'girl' back then after recess ended." Zoey beamed in joy. "Oh, i am already in this mess and you are here telling me to accept another guy, how funny can you be, Zoey? I'm going to text him later and ask if he's free tomorrow morning. I can't wait! The only thing i am scared is that he don't want to meet up and my plan would have failed." Amanda said.

Amanda was planning to meet Charles earlier and surprise him with a kiss and then walk to school together, for they have never done it before. Charles live just blocks away from the school and it was roughly a 10 min walk to school.

At night, Amanda sent Charles a message: B, tmr morning i go to your hse uh? Beep-beep. Amanda checked her phone and it was from Charles: Okay, what time? Amanda pressed her phone: 630? The phone rang again and Amanda anxiously picked up her phone, opened the message and she almost threw her phone on the floor. He replied: Too early, i want to sleep. 7? Amanda paced in her room and replied: Dun want, later late. Amanda clutched her phone in her hands and the phone rang again: Wont, 7, sure wont late. Amanda punched into her phone: Fine, 640. The phone rang again and she read the message out loud: 7 lah, please? Amanda was pissed and she thought to herself: Is sleeping more important than our 5th month anniversary, or he simply forgotton. Amanda keyed in 2 words and pressed send: Forget it.

Though Amanda was mad at his replies, she wanted Charles to reply her at the very least, but the phone never rang since she sent that two words. She picked up her phone and punched in Zoey's number. Zoey answered on the third ring "Yeah Amanda? What's up?"

"That jerk says he want to sleep tmr instead of making effort to meet me earlier in the morning. Either his sleep is more important or he just simply forgot what date is tomorrow." Amanda complained. "Oh, dang that jerk. Its okay, you still have me, and not forgetting ERIC!" Zoey said, giggling a little. "Zoey.. You're not helping. Nevermind, I know i've got you. Kay i have to hang up already. Cya tmr." "Cya and, dun brood over that jerk." Amanda hit the red button.

Amanda and Zoey went to school as usual and sat at the usual place. Amanda was looking around, as if she was looking for something. "Stop looking for him, Amanda. Just message him!" Zoey exclaimed. Amanda kept quiet but shook her head. They attended flag raising and listened to the announcements made by the HOD of the English Department and everyone went back to class.

Amanda couldn't concentrate in class, she was very sad and depressed, thinking that Charles didn't care about her. "AMANDA!" The teacher screamed and that took Amanda back to reality. "Are you alright? You seem, pale." Mrs Chew asked. "No teacher, i'm fine." Amanda smiled wearily. "If you're not feeling well, raise up your hand and i'll get Zoey to send you to the sick bay." The teacher told Amanda and the class's attention was on Amanda. Amanda just nodded and the teacher carried on with the lesson. "Okay, now back to the lesson. The -" The teacher blabbered and Amanda was building castles in the air.

Finally it was recess. As usual, Amanda would look around to look for Charles. When she spotted him, she was more upset. "Hey sunshine! Are you..." Eric exploded from behind and trailed off as he looked at what was Amanda looking. Zoey turned too, together, Eric and Zoey said, "Jerk." Amanda looked at Eric and forced a smile at him.

"Eh, you see you see, that Eric boy is talking to your girl eh" Alex interrupted. Charles turned his head and saw Eric frowning and staring at himself, he turned away, "They're only talking, its okay." "I don't think so, that Eric looks mad, at you Charles." Sandy warned.

"Damn that bastard, he really message you that?!" Eric said, and he was boiling inside. Amanda only nodded, there were no tears flowing out as her tear gland was out of water. "She's been like this since class started. Sigh.." Zoey told Eric.

'RRRRRRRING' The recess bell just rang and everyone scurried back to class. Like yesterday, Eric took Amanda's bag and send the girls back to their class. While walking back to class, Amanda peeped into Charles's class and saw that he was sitting with Sandy, chatting. Amanda turned into the other direction and ran back to class. Eric and Zoey looked at each other and then turned into Charles's class and saw him sitting beside Sandy, talking. "Oh, that bloody jerk." They said together, chasing after Amanda

Sneak peak!

"He didn't reply me, even after i sent him two long messages. He's ignoring me, Zoey, help me..." Amanda pleaded and Zoey kept quiet. Zoey flashed out her phone, punch in some words and sent it to Eric: That jerk ignored Amanda's message. "When you sent him?" Zoey asked to kill the silence that was between them. "I sent one in the morning and one 30 minutes ago. No reply" Zoey's phone rang: What ?! How's Amanda? Zoey typed: She is very calm but i can tell that inside she is terrible. Come quick. Outside school bus stop. Amanda's phone finally rang. "Yes ! Charles ! He says -" Amanda dropped her phone and stared at Zoey.

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