Jackson's hunt

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Tae pov

       I cry kneeling in front of him.  A few seconds later I feel his hands start to pat my back.  "Why would I do that?" He says while comforting me.  I look up at him and wipe the tears from my face.  He smiles at me and helps me up off the ground. "You can sleep here tonight.  Tomorrow I'll take you out with me.  Trust me it will be fun.  I'm meeting with my friend boyoung tomorrow so you can meet her as well. Don't worry she is nice as well." He pats my head and walks out of the room.  I sit on the edge of his bed.  "Fun that's something I have not had in years." I think.

Jackson pov

      "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?"  I say frustrated. "Sir we um we lost track of um her." One of my mutts say stumbling. "Oh you lost her is that so?" I say leaning towards him. He backs up a little and says, "y-yes sir."  I sit back in my chair and laugh.  I teleport in front him and snap his neck.  "Dont ever come back to me with that kind of information mutts thats your warning.  Don't none of you come back till you've found that worthless mistake." All my mutts leave the room.  I start to rub my head. "They all give me headaches."  I walk and sit back down in my chair.

       "Another one Jackson you need to learn to control your temper sometimes dear I can't keep cleaning your mess up I'm getting old."  My mom comes over with a worm rag and places it on my forehead. "I try eomma but those worthless mutts just irritate me."  I sigh and slouch in my chair.  My mom kisses me and starts to walk out. "I'll be back in a minute to clean up get some rest love."

Terry pov

     I wake up the next day.  I had slept on the couch so she could use my bed.  I go for a quick run before she wakes up and then make some breakfast.  She comes out of the room and sits down at the table.  When we finish eating I tell her the plan for today.  We head out and head to the area where we were meeting boyoung.  Tae followed quietly looking around.  We meet with boyoung and I start to do a livestream.  "Hey guys today I thought we would just walk around Seoul and mabey go to a few places fun."  I say to the camera.  I look at tae and she is excited so was boyoung. 

       We walk around for about two hours and tae taps on my arm.  I hand the camera to boyoung and turn to tae. "Terry did you see that?"  She says grabing my arm and pulling me behind her. "See what?"

Hey guys I wonder what tae saw.  Two new characters have been introduced.  If you don't know who boyoung is she's a youtuber who does stuff with terry.  We also got to get a glimpse of who Jackson was man he is mean isn't he.  Well I hope you are all having a good day/night and I'll write again later, annyeong.

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