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I fakked up.
I done right fakked up.
Don't mind my swearing little a$$.
Im just a child that has no other way to express her feelings.

I got tagged and thought i knew what to do-- well..... turns out i didnt. So- i get tagged and im like "Ok! I guess i'll go tag a few of my friends!" Later-- someone asks a question and i am like "fuk. I messed up. I have no idea what im doing." And then i deleted tho post lol. Help me. Someone please explain tagging to my sorry little a--........ yeah.


1- I will be doing a Question and answer page

2- major writers block here

3- should i do a RP book?

4- Doing drawing requests-- (leave them in the comments)

Ok. Bye.

   Your lonely and depressed author

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