Chapter 2

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we reached our classroom and im still as silent as a mute thinking about the girl. I really don't know why she affects me like this but I know its more than knowing her. She had almost all the spaces in my heart even without knowing her.
our teacher announced that we are having a play again. And when there's a play, it will be automatically me and Marco as young leading men.

"good morning everyone. Today I'm going to pick those who will portray the casts of Romeo and Juliet. It is for our School Founding Anniversary and this was assigned to our section. So once I call your name I want you to stand here in front and get your script.
Juliet's nurse will be portrayed by Heaven
Paris will be portrayed by Marco.
Romeo will be portrayed by Edward
and you Ms. Marydale, I want you to be Edward's Juliet."

Marydale's POV
"good morning everyone. Today I'm going to pick those who will portray the casts of Romeo and Juliet. It is for our School Founding Anniversary and this was assigned to our section. So once I call your name I want you to stand here in front and get your script.
Juliet's nurse will be portrayed by Heaven
Paris will be portrayed by Marco.
Romeo will be portrayed by Edward
and you Ms. Marydale, I want you to be Edward's Juliet."

Me?!?! i don't what to feel. I know its normal for me to be chosen again as Edward's leadinglady but they way our professor say those words made my heart flutter. It can't be. He's waiting for her. And she will never be me.

Edward's POV

see? Its not shocking. It's not like im complaining that Maymay is my partner. Well, she really deserves it. She's good in portraying a role especially when she's portraying a princess. It suits her. Its just that Im thinking about the girl. I decided to walk out of the room when the bell rang for our break time . Maymay didn't follow me. maybe she know that I need to be with myself alone. What am I going to do with you? I walked along the music room. I consider it more like a sanctuary. The smell of the piano makes me feel calm and at peace.

If I try to turn back the thing we've already done
If I try to go up and stop the rain

If I try to turn back the time with you

And i am here now suffering alone

its her. I can hear her again. Is this a nightmare again? Or im really hearingher again? I followed where the voice is coming from.


Marydale's POV

where are you Edward?

its the stage play's meeting with the cast and my Romeo isn't around. It's the very first time that he got late inmeetings like this. Usually, he's the one pushing me and Marco to be early.What's wrong with that guy?

almost three hours of meeting, script reading had passed but still there's noRomeo for me. I'm supposedly going home already when I saw Edward with ourclassmate Heaven, talking to each other happily. I don't know why there's asudden jolt in my heart. My mind's full of questions but the most importantamong them was "what is it? And why am I so affected with them?"

"Maymay? Hey what's wrong? Why are you-"

It's Marco. He's also shocked on what we are seing.

"guys! There you go! I have something very important to say!" Edward said. "I found her! Here. It's Heaven. She's thegirl I've been looking for a long time."

Our jaws drop as he said it. What?

"so that's the reason why you didn't attend the meeting? That's the reason whyyou left your Juliet waiting for her Romeo and then suddenly realized that herRomeo found a better Juliet."

those words were running on my mind but I can't even say it. We're friends.We're more than friends. Not because we like each other but we are more likebrothers and sisters. I can feel those crystals protesting inside my eyeswanting their freedom to come out but I can't let them. I don't want to ruinhis happiness. That happiness that I couldn't made him feel.

"maymay, is there something wrong? Aren't you happy?" said Edward

"o-Ofcourse I – I am happy for you. Finally you found her. Im just tiredrehearsing our lines as Romeo and Juliet. Don't miss the rehearsal tomorrowokay? Hmm marco, can I join you and vivoree? "

"no maymay. Just join me. I'll bring you home after Heaven"

"thank you Edward but I think its better if you'll have your time togetheralone. Marco, Viv, lets go"

Edward's POV

this is the very first time that I'm notgoing home with Maymay. What's wrong with her? Is she mad that I didn't came tobe her Romeo? No no no. Maymay is not like that. Maybe she's just tired aboutthe rehearsal. And as for me, I can't deny the fact that I'm very happy thatfinally I've found her. I thought she will be the girl in my dreams forever butnow she's here. Beside me. talking, laughing, smiling. All of the people willsay I'm crazy because of what I am saying but I can't help it. Her voice is toobeautiful to resist.I told her everything. That she's been into my dreams everysingle night. I told her that her voice is driving me crazy.

" you know what, you have an amazing voice. You are a real life Juliet"

after mentioning Juliet's name, her smile fades away.

"hey, why are you sad? Did I say something wrong?"

"no. Nothing. It's just that. I always wanted to be a Juliet. I always wantedto portray Juliet's role in a stage play. You know what, I am very happy whenthey announced that Romeo and Juliet will be assigned to our section. I thoughtI will have a chance to be Juliet but it's Marydale again. I really don't knowwhat's with her and why she's always getting the lead role while I, I am chosento be her nurse"

she's crying. Honestly, maymay really deserves to be Juliet. She's reallydetermined. When you gave her something to do, she will do her very best to doit no matter how hard it is. But I can't tell Heaven about that. She is alreadycrying and I can't bear to see her cry even more. I know Maymay will get hurtbut I need to make Heaven happy.

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