Also Lit

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   You thought that my chapter was the end? Well, it isn't (Woah). This chapter might not be as cool as the first one, but I can tell you it has a lot of letters. After wasting a couple seconds of your time and made it seem like I'm actually writing a lot, I will now start my amazing story.

   A guy was reading an amazing story written by his favorite author. He was in awe because the writing was obviously really cool. He kept reading the words over and over again crying because of how holy and.. wait let me check the dictionary real quick. Alright, he was crying because of how outstanding,  astounding,  prodigious,  phenomenal, and kick donkey it was. 

   After he was done reading he closed the web browser and looked at Roblox fidget spinner videos. Oh wow did he love fidget spinners, he totally did not think that they are a waste of money and you should go buy something else with it. BUT ROBLOX FIDGET SPINNERS WEREN'T ENOUGH THEY WEREN'T LIT 100 L I T SHORT FOR LIT ENOUGH SO HE HAD TO GO NEXT LEVEL. PULLING HIS  humongous KEYBOARD HE BEGAN TYPING THE WORDS, "Fidget spinner mod on Minecraft." He clicked on the first video he saw and began breathing heavily. Scooting a little closer he stared at the fidget spinners. "OH WOWY! SLAP MY BUTT AND CALL ME TIMMY. " shouted little Jimmy. I want to be a fidget spinner when I grow up!

   After 1 hour of looking at fidget spinners, he needed a nap so he knocked himself out and he slept.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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