2. New Girl Perks

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"No, I'm not going. I hate this school"

"But sweetie, you have to. You don't even know the place. Look, I know, it's a new place but you'll make friends again. It'll be fun!" her mother said, trying to cheer her up.

"No mom I won't. I'm the 'new girl' and it's just so awkward. I don't wanna go today, please?"

About a half hour later little Deepika took off her seat belt and got off the car. She slammed the door real hard and walked towards the school. And she was nearing the gate her mom yelled "I love you!"

She just turned back and scowled.

She made her way through the hallway and climbed a few stairs. She then entered the third room on the left.

But the moment she did, she felt alien. She felt so out of place.

There were senior boys and girls who barely even noticed her. She didn't know who to ask and where to go. She tried speaking to a few people but it was as if she were invisible!

She felt so helpless and she was about to have something no short of a nervous breakdown when a voice said "the floor below. Second room on the right."

She turned around and saw this senior boy. He looked at her for a moment. He had messy dark hair, he was tall with a thin frame. He looked at her with his deep brown eyes before turning away and walking towards his gang of friends.

She still kept looking at him.

It was recess. Finally. Deepika possible had the worst day ever. She was the 'new girl' and was treated like she'd imagined. 'The troubles that 5th graders have to endure...' she thought.

She didn't feel like having lunch, so she stepped out of her class, mentally noting down the room number.

She went to the playground and she saw that the elementary kids were mostly playing on swings, slides and other rides or in the sand box. The middle school kids were playing in the football field, mostly the boys. The girls were just chatting.

One boy was on the basketball court, dribbling and throwing the ball through the hoops, tirelessly.

He noticed her watching him.

"How did you know my class?" She asked him. She really wondered how he from among the raucous seniors noticed her and knew her class.

"Who would walk into a senior class but a lost 5th grader who was new to the school? 5th graders start their term today. They just have one division. Yours." And he kept dribbling and throwing the ball while he spoke.

"Why did you bother?"

"Because I've learnt the hard way."


"Why don't you just play in the sandbox or something?"

"Because I don't like it. And the people in it".

He looked at her now and scoffed a little "you too?"

"Here" he said and threw the ball at her. She caught it with ease.

"Okay new girl perks. I'm sure some moron already bugged you. Anyone in the sand box?"

"Err no but that guy on the swing. He was really annoying"

"Aim. Shoot".

"Err what?"

"Just aim, and shoot. Now, normally you'd get punished for that but new kids don't. It's sort of a rule. So use it when you can."

"Umm. Okay."

She aimed. He was swinging. Forwards, backwards, forwards, backwards. When he came forwards, and just at the moment when he started going backwards, Deepika threw the ball at him with all her might. It hit him right in the face and he swung backwards and fell right off the swing, his head almost got buried in the mud and his leg was entangled in the chains.

Deepika and the senior boy laughed their heads off, her dimples showing, as they looked at the boy in the mud.

"Whoa right in the face!" And he raised his hand for an up top which she gladly did. Then they left the area, and hid behind a tree, watching as people gathered and tried to help the boy.

"So... What's your name?" He asked.

"Deepika"...... "And yours?"


"So Deepika, ready to use your new girl perks, again?" Ranbir asked as everyone began clearing the play area.

"There's more?" She asked, her eyes sparkling.

He grinned at her and walked towards the back of the building. She followed.

He opened a door. It was the pantry of the school.

"Shh" he said with a finger on his lips. They sneaked in and he went towards the refrigerator. He opened the door quietly, so no one in the kitchen could hear. He took out two cans of soda and handed her one.

Then he touched his can to hers lightly, not making too much noise and whispered "to the new girl" and left. She stood there a while in some sort of a trance. When she came outside, he was gone. And the bell rang.

After dinner, when she'd just got into bed, her mother came in and asked "So, how was school?"

"Like I'd said" she replied, nonchalantly.

"Oh, I'm sure it wasn't that bad. Did you make any friends?"

"Sort of"

"Really?! Who?"

"Sameera, Kriya, Rahul, and some others who are in my group for the semester projects."

And Ranbir.

Those dimples reappeared.

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