Killer shapeshifter

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In a house in Scotland a boy named Rory and a girl named Nadia were just watching a horror movie together like couples do, when Rory heard a scratching sound at the back door.

Rory went to the back door and looked threw the pep hole, and all he could see was an eye pepping threw the other side.

He stepped back and grabbed the phone next to him, Nadia asked what was wrong and he said that he saw an eye looking threw the other side of the pep hole.

Nadia got up and walked over to the back door then looked threw the pep hole, she screamed and stepped back but fell onto her butt.

Rory asked what was wrong ,she said that there dog was hanging from the fence and was freshly killed.

Rory tried to call the police but the phone was disconnected some how, so he decided to get his shot gun and go outside to find whatever was out there and kill it.

15 minutes went passed as Nadia sat inside worried about Rory, two seconds later Rory runs in and locks the door behind him.

Rory looked like the thing attacked him and tried to eat him, then suddenly they both heard a "BANG" coming from the basement.

Earlier that night Nadia forgot to lock the basement door from the inside! Nadia screamed and ran upstairs to hide in the attic.

Rory was in the kitchen frozen, then the thing had opened the door and was standing on its two back legs.

It's looked like half human and half animal, just then the animal thing scream but not just any scream it sounded like his girlfriend.

But when Rory listened closely it's had a radio static in the background, whatever it wanted they didn't have then it spoke in a dark voice.

"Give me what I want and no one gets hurt". Rory asked what it wanted and it replied " you and your girlfriend to die".

Before Rory could say anything the thing tore Rory to pieces, after it had finished with Rory it started to smell where Nadia was.

The thing walked upstairs and found Nadia in the attic but when the thing looked at her, She was fainted and scared.

The thing decide to wait for Nadia to wake up and then it would attack her, but while it waited it decided to leave Nadia but instead make her one of it.

Later that night when Nadia had awoke she felt weird, when she walked over to the mirror in the attic she screamed.

And from then on when Nadia felt weird she started to kill other people and make some of then what She was

------------The End------------

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